> Kwantlen Polytechnic University > Calendar > Programs > Diploma in Criminology

This is an ARCHIVED version of the Kwantlen Polytechnic University Calendar for 2008-2009 (SPRING) and is provided for historical reference only. See the current version of the Calendar for updated information.

Diploma in Criminology

Offered At: Start Date:
Langley Campus
Richmond Campus
Surrey Campus
September, January, May
Enrolment Access: Format:
Open Full-time
Contact Us:
Enrolment and Registrar Services
Langley 604.599.3215 Surrey 604.599.2000
Richmond 604.599.2512 Cloverdale 604.598.6006
E-mail: admissions@kwantlen.ca
Student Awards and Financial Assistance Educational Advising
Langley 604.599.3453 To book an appointment with an educational advisor on any Kwantlen campus, visit Enrolment & Registrar Services in person, or phone 604.599.3215.
Cloverdale 604.598.6006
Richmond 604.599.2674
Surrey 604.599.2040
How Do I Apply?
Apply in person at one of our Enrolment and Registrar Services offices or online at: www.kwantlen.ca/apply

The Diploma in Criminology contains a central core of method and theory that provides a foundation for more advanced study of crime and social responses to crime. Electives reflect the multidisciplinary nature of criminology. The required courses and electives afford students of criminology an opportunity to develop abstract logical thinking and critical understanding of the issues, arguments, and debates that shape the discipline’s character and aims.


Graduates of the Diploma in Criminology program can continue their education in criminology, social work, and social and behavioural sciences, and are employed in nearly every aspect of the justice system.

  • GROUP A (all courses required)
    • CRIM 1100 Introduction to Criminology
    • CRIM 1101 Criminal Justice System Introduction
    • CRIM 1107 Canadian Legal Systems
    • CRIM 1207 Introduction to Criminal Law
    • CRIM 1208 Methods of Research in Criminology
    • CRIM 2103 Quantitative Data Analysis I
    • CRIM 2330 Psychological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour
    • CRIM 2331 Sociological Explanations of Criminal Behaviour
    • CRIM 2341 Canadian Criminal Justice Administration
  • GROUP B (all courses required)
    • PSYC 1100 Introduction to Psychology: Basic Processes
    • PSYC 1200 Introduction to Psychology: Areas and Applications
    • SOCI 1125 Introduction to Society: Processes and Structures
  • GROUP C (one of the following is required)
  • GROUP D (one of the following is required)
  • GROUP E (two of the following are required)
    • ANTH 1217 Forensic Anthropology
    • ANTH 1220 First Nations Peoples and Cultures of British Columbia
    • CRIM 2213 Women, Girls and Crime
    • CRIM 2311 Police Administration & Management
    • CPSC 1100 Introduction to Computer Literacy
    • CPSC 1103 Introduction to Computer Programming I
    • HIST 2305 British Columbia (discontinued January 07)
    • PSYC 2315 Brain and Behaviour
    • PSYC 2320 Developmental Psychology: Childhood
    • PSYC 2321 Developmental Psychology: Adolescence
    • Any English literature course
    • Any university studies course in French
    • Any 1200-level Sociology course
    • Any 3-credit university studies course in the sciences
  • GROUP F (any four of the following are required)

Students planning to enter the third year of the BA in Community Criminal Justice or the BA Criminology Major or Minor at Kwantlen should contact Educational Advising to discuss qualifying courses likely to be required prior to admission. Students planning to enter the third year of the BA in Criminology at SFU should refer to the SFU calendar.


Upon successful completion of this program, students will be awarded with a Diploma in Criminology.