Conference Program 2013

Sociology and Criminology Undergraduate Student Conference

8: 00 – 9:00  – Registration
Location: Conference Centre, G1205, Cedar Building

9:00 – 9:30  – Opening Ceremonies – Welcome Speech
Location: Conference Centre, G1205, Cedar Building

Chris Howell, Criminology, MC
Dr. Salvador Ferreras, Provost & VP Academic, KPU
Dr. Diane Naugler, Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts, KPU
Dr. Jason Dyer, Associate Vice President, ORS, KPU
Mike Larsen (PhD, ABD), Criminology Department, KPU
Dr. Amir Mirfakhraie, Sociology Department, CGME, KPU

9:30  – 10:30 – Keynote Speaker
Location: Conference Centre, G1205, Cedar Building

Dr. Jeffrey Shantz, Criminology Department, KPU
'Taking it Off the Streets: From Ritual to Resistance'

10:30 – 1045 – Coffee Break

10:45 – 11:45 – Concurrent Sessions 1, 2, 3, and 4

Session 1 – Education Under Fire
Session Format: Symposium-Activism
Location: Conference Centre, G1205, Cedar Building
Chair: Dr. Charles Quist-Adade, Sociology Department, KPU

'Education Under Fire' - Bobby Fahandez and Arash Abbassi, Baha'i Activists

Session 2 – Aboriginal Peoples, Domination, and Resistance
Session Format: Paper
Location: D1362 (Fir Building)
Chair: Dr. Wade Deisman, Criminology Department, KPU

'First Nations Students within the Western Education System' - Sharon Sen, Psychology and Anthropology, KPU
'A Critical Look at Indigenous Rights in Canada and Idle No More' - Melinda Bige, Sociology and Anthropology, KPU
'Indigenous People of Canada and Structural Factors' - Paige Gardiner, Criminology, KPU
'Understanding the Legacy of Canada's Residential School System for Aboriginal Children' - Nick Chretien, Associate of Arts, KPU

Session 3 – Media, Representation, and Deconstruction
Session Format: Demonstration and Performance
Location: D328 (Fir Building)
Chair: Professor Erling Christensen, Sociology Department, KPU

'The Breakfast Club: Cliques and Inequalities' - Anoop Bains, Sandreana Chan, and Joey Manaligod, KPU
'Empowerment or Misogyny? A Woman's Role in Rap Culture' - Rick Kumar and Calvin Tiu, English and Counseling, KPU

Session 4 – Digging Deeper: Investigative Research in Criminology
Session Format: Paper
Location: D3414 (Fir Building)
Chair: Mike Larsen (PhD, ABD), Criminology Department, KPU

'Restricting Access to Information: a process open to all?' - Chris Howell, Honors Criminology, KPU
'Networked security and the oppression of Anonymous' - Jordon Tomblin, MA Candidate, Sociology, Carleton University
'ATI Research and CSC ... What analysts don't want you to know' - Nikki Dhesi, Criminology, KPU

11:45 – 12:00 – Coffee Break

12:00 – 1:00 – Concurrent Sessions 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9

Session 5 – Educational Issues, Textbooks, and Inequalities in North America
Session Format: Paper
Location: D328 (Fir Building)
Chair: Professor Erling Christensen, Sociology Department, KPU

'Dropout Rates: Questioning the American Dream' - Prabhpreet Brar, Sociology, KPU
'Whose Body Matters? Representations of Race in Medical Textbooks' - Patricia Louie, Honours Sociology, UBC
'Gender Streaming in the United States' - Monica Saggu, Sociology, KPU

Session 6 – Gender, Sexuality, and Inequalities
Session Format: Paper
Location: D334 (Fir Building)
Chair: Dr. Jillian Deri, Sociology Department, KPU

'Do Gender and Sexuality Matter?' - Joey Manaligod, Creative Writing, KPU
'There is a man in MY bedroom and he wasn't invited: An Analysis of Patriarchy in Sex' - Jenn Clark, Psychology, KPU
'The Pressures That Men Have to Face in Regards to Their Image' - Adrianna Spkyer and Andrews Owusu, Sociology, KPU
'The Forces Behind: The Canadian Sexual Experience' - Aimee Fauteux, Sociology and English, KPU

Session 7 – Social Movements, Media, Resistance, and Oppression
Session Format: Paper
Location: D3414 (Fir Building)
Chair: Dr. Jeffery Shantz, Criminology Department, KPU

'How the Corporate Media Marginalizes and Discredits 'Radical' Social Movement Groups and How They Can Fight Back' - Omar Faruqi, Psychology and Counselling, KPU
'The Effects of Able Bodied Media on Perceptions of Disability and Sexuality' - Alexandria Parsons, Psychology and Counselling, KPU
'Bollywood and Construction of the Beauty Myth' - Zeenat Taki, Sociology, KPU
'Applying for Netizenship: Foucault, Cybercrime and the Digital Age' - Jordon Tomblin, BA, KPU; M.A. Student in Sociology, Carleton University 

Session 8 – Social Practices, Gender, and Sexuality
Session Format: Paper/Roundtable
Location: Conference Centre, G1205, Cedar Building
Chair: Dr. Chuck Reasons, Criminology Department, KPU

'Female and Male Circumcision in Canada' - Jasveen Bunwait and Yousef Hosney, Sociology, KPU
'The Whore Complex: An exploratory study comparing and contrasting female derogatory terms in Western and Eastern Societies' - Alyssa Nielsen, Sociology and History, KPU
'Ethnocentrism: The Issue of Organ Donation in Japan' - Katarina Gallagher and Amanda Kalmar, KPU
'Spousal Violence among Indo Canadian Women' - Pardeep Thandi, Criminology, KPU

Session 9 - Developmental Disabilities & Employment: Research in Progress
Session Format: Roundtable
Location: D142 (Fir Building)
Chair: Dr. Mike Ma, Criminology Department, KPU

'Developmental Disabilities & Employment: Research in Progress' - Sonya Madeya, Melissa Long, and Adrienne Lee, Sociology, KPU

1:00 – 2:00 – Lunch
Location: Conference Centre, G1205, Cedar Building

1:00 – 2:00 – Poster Session
Location: Surrey Main 1800

Poster 1 – 'The Portrayal of Food and Nutrition in "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs"(2009)' - Co-presenters: Jaclyn Vandenkerkhof, Jennifer Boorman, Nikki Hollinson, and Fraser Readman. Sociology, KPU

Poster 2 – 'Social Environment and Crime Activities' - Da Chen Yang, Wan Ju Ni, and Gao Xin, KPU

Poster 3 – 'Political Advertising and Public Perceptions' - Mohomad Al Samarrai, Trevor Crane, Kristin Unger, and Fabio McLeod, KPU

Poster 4 – 'Mrs. Clean: residue of targeted marketing' - Nisha Chauhan, Amrit Johal, Nish Chauhan, and Cecillia Zhu, KPU

Poster 5 – 'An Examination of Emotional Abuse Within Child Beauty Pageants' - Colin Crabbe, Keisha Matthews-Downing, Pak Ning Wong, and Jocelyn Kroeger, KPU      

Poster 6 – 'Marginalization of Aboriginal Peoples in Children's Media' - Kenneth Abad, Michelle Lal, Sukjeevan Grewal, and Charo Retuta, KPU

Poster 7 – 'Objectification of Women In Music Videos' - Amrit Bansal, Amrit Virdi, and Alisha Rao, KPU

Poster 8 – 'Portrayal of Conflict Theory in The Walking Dead TV Series' - Natasa Ivanovic, Leonard Franco, and Haney Romana, KPU

Poster 9 – 'Disney and the Marginalized Man' - Kate Gibbs and Jaime Munch, Sociology, KPU

Poster 10 – 'The Consequences of Cell-Phones on Social Interactions' - Djainal Yoshua and Guoman Liao, Sociology, KPU

Poster 11 – 'On Three, Smile and Say 'Police!'' - Prince Arora, Criminology, KPU
2:00 – 3:00 – Keynote Speaker
Location: Conference Centre, G1205, Cedar Building

Dr. Peyman Vahabzadeh
Department of Sociology, University of Victoria
'Transformative Nonviolence: Reflections for Activism and Change'

3:00 – 3:15 – Coffee Break

3:15 – 4:15 – Concurrent Sessions 10, 11, 12, and 13

Session 10 – Human Rights in Canada: An Examination of the Discourse and Practice of Rights
Session Format: Paper
Location: D328 (Fir Building)
Chair: Dr. Mike Ma, Criminology Department, KPU

'Women and Poverty: The Impacts of Equality Rights Violations in Canada' - Vanessa Vilardi, Criminology, KPU
'Human Rights Violations on Canadian Aboriginal Reserves: Highlighting Deplorable Housing Conditions that Violate Article 25 Of the UDHR' - Jaswant Padda, Criminology, KPU
'Human Rights Violations Created by the Live-In Caregiver Program in Canada' - Cyrll Santos, Criminology, KPU

Session 11 - Education, Activism, State Policy, and Social Inequalities
Session Format: Paper
Location: D3142 (Fir Building)
Chair: Dr. Jillian Deri, Sociology Department, KPU

'The Limits of Environmental Activism in Education' - Charmaine Leung and Betty Yeung, Psychology and Counselling, KPU
'The Conflict between the Standardization Movement and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in the United States' - Katherine Papiernik, Sociology and Political Science, KPU
'The 'No Child Left Behind Act' and its impact in U.S schooling' - Eugene Choi, Sociology, KPU
'The Disappearance of Academic Freedom' - Alexandra Devitt, Criminology, KPU

Session 12A – Iran, Revolution, Feminist Movement, and the West
Session Format: Paper
Location: D334 (Fir Building)
Chair: Dr. Peyman Vahabzadeh, Department of Sociology, University of Victoria

'The New Battle of the Sexes: A comparison of Western and Eastern Women's Movements' -
Jenn Clark, Psychology, KPU
'Unveiling the Story of Marjane Satrapi and the Islamic Iran' - Sofia Rodriguez, English, KPU
'The Iranian Revolution, 1979: Memory, Desire, and a Search for Identity' - Jessica Singh, Political Science, University of Victoria 

Session 12B – Educate, Engage, Empower
Session Format: Roundtable
Location: D122 (Fir Building)
Chair: Dr. Wade Deisman, Criminology Department, KPU

'Educate, Engage, Empower: KPU's Miss Representation Action Group' - Janice Morris, KPU

Note: This session is cross-listed with the 1st Annual Research & Knowledge Mobilization Day @ Kwantlen (Session 12).

Session 13 – Theory, Activism, and Domination

Session Format: Paper
Location: Conference Centre, G1205, Cedar Building
Chair: Dr. Frances Chiang, Sociology Department, KPU

'Liberties Unchained' - Christopher Howell, Criminology and Philosophy, KPU
'State Activism' - Aaron Philip, Criminology, KPU
'The Three D's Theory of Sociology' - Lisa Melton, Criminology, KPU
'Shadow Powers: the Business of Oppression' - Spencer Gillespie, Criminology, KPU

Session 14 – Special Session – KPU Sociology Instructors & Their Pedagogies and Research

Session Format: Paper
Location: Library 2410 (ORS Meeting Room, Second Floor)
Chair: Mike Larsen (PhD, ABD), Criminology Department, KPU

'Where is My Public Servant?' - Cherylynn Bassani, Sociology, KPU
'How I Teach the Sociological Imagination' - Charles Quist-Adade, Sociology, KPU
'What does sociology have to do with water? A KPU instructor's account of his introduction to the political economy of water as a student at Kwantlen' - Kyle Mitchell, Sociology, KPU

4:20 – 5:30 – Closing Ceremonies & Reception
Location: Conference Centre, G1205, Cedar Building