Conference Sessions - The 4th Annual Sociology & Criminology Undergraduate Student Conference

Sociology and Criminology Undergraduate Student Conference

You can submit your proposal under any of the following sessions. When submitting your proposal, please indicate under which type of session you are applying. 

Paper Session:
In this session, participants will present a short version of their papers. Three to four papers will be presented in each session, followed by discussions at the end of the session. Each author will have 10 to 15 minutes to present his/her paper. At the end of each session, 15 minutes is allocated to question and answer session by the audience.

Poster Session:
In this session, presenters have the opportunity to display graphic presentations of their research and to informally discuss their findings and arguments with the audience.

Roundtable Session:
In this session, the emphasis is on interaction between the presenters and the audience. Each presenter will have 5 to 10 minutes to explore his/her ideas and to present his/her research findings. The remaining of the time, the presenters and members of the audience will collectively discuss and explore the ideas that have been presented and their implications.

Performance and Demonstration Session:
In this session, the presenters will offer a brief overview of the performance or demonstration, why it is important, and what can be learned from it. In this type of presentation, the aim is to show and illustrate a specific technique, method, or tool in order to highlight the importance of the approach for scholarship and knowledge production, and how it adds to our understanding of a specific topic or issue.

Symposium Session:
In this session, students from various disciplines and/or perspectives explore a specific issue, topic, and research idea. The focus can be on a theme, offering solutions to a set of specific problems or issues, and presenting opposing views about a specific theoretical or methodological controversy. Each symposium session is comprised of four to six presenters, who will participate in interactive discussions of their ideas with the other presenters and the members of the audience. Each session is scheduled for 60 minutes.

Prearranged Session:
In this type of session, you and other students interested to discuss various aspects of an issue, such as looking at the education system from multiple perspectives or analyzing the effects of various forms of discrimination in different parts of the world, can form your own session. A prearranged session focuses on a specific theme, but each presenter can explore different aspects of the theme under consideration. Each panel should consist of three to four paper.