Keynote Speaker - 5th Annual SCUSC - 2015


Keynote PSeaker ASCUSC 2015

Professor Krishna Pendakur

“What Does Inequality Really Mean in Canada? 99% of Us Want to Know”


Is it true that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer? Social movements like Occupy Wall Street and Idle No More have responded to the perceived widening gap between the wealthy and the less fortunate, so who are the Canadian 1% and how did they get there? In this lecture, I’ll look at the distribution of wealth in Canada, how we compare to the rest of the world and discuss what we can do to reduce inequality.


Krishna Pendakur is a professor of economics at Simon Fraser University and was recently awarded the 2016-17 William Lyon Mackenzie King Chair at Harvard University. For six years, he was Co-Director of the influential Metropolis BC Center of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Diversity, where he contributed to a prolific and interdisciplinary body of research into the economics of immigration. Krishna’s current research focuses on economic inequality, discrimination and poverty in Canada and the world.