Program Review

Purpose and Principles of Program Review

Program Review is one of KPU’s quality assurance functions and is required by the Ministry’s Degree Quality Assessment Board (DQAB). DQAB conducts an audit of KPU’s Program Review process every seven years to ensure compliance with Ministry’s quality assurance requirements.

Program Review is a faculty-led, collaborative, systematic and evidence-based examination of a program’s quality. Program Review allows for a detailed analysis of a program’s strengths and areas for improvement that result in enhancements to the program. Students, faculty and alumni are all given an opportunity to provide their perspectives during the review. KPU's Senate Standing Committee on Program Review (SSCPR) oversees this process. (see Policy AC3)

Program review at KPU is:

  • Formative: provides feedback that identifies program strengths and weaknesses to guide improvements to the program over time;
  • Participatory: uses input from internal and external stakeholders including students, graduates, faculty, administration, program advisory committees, discipline and sector representatives, and employers, as appropriate;
  • Evidence-based: follows standardized, evidence-based processes and methodologies;
  • Strategic: leads to coordinated action that strengthens the program’s ability to support students in achieving the program’s learning outcomes;
  • Iterative: draws on previous reviews and recommendations with specific attention to trends and patterns;
  • Accountable: reports must be approved by the SSCPR and are made available on KPU’s Program Review SharePoint site.

Frequency and Phases of Program Review

All KPU degree programs undergo review once every five years. Non-degree programs undergo review once every seven years. Degree and non-degree programs in the same discipline are reviewed together because of the integrated nature of their curriculum.

Program Review consists of eight phases.

Phase 1: Getting Started

Phase 2: Self-Study: Curriculum Review and Writing Chapters 1 & 2 

Phase 3: Self-Study: Data Collection

Phase 4: Self-Study: Writing Chapters 3 to 6

Phase 5: Self-Study Review/Revisions 

Phase 6: External Review

Phase 7: Quality Assurance Plan Development

Phase 8: Annual Follow-Up Reporting

The program review cycle is completed once the SSCPR has approved the Quality Assurance Plan. The next review will start 5 or 7 years later, depending on whether or not the program is a degree program. In the interim, the program works on implementing the Quality Assurance Plan and provides annual updates on their progress to the SSCPR. Annual updates continue until the program can demonstrate to the SSCRP substantial completion of the Quality Assurance Plan.