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Stressed about the state of the planet? How to cope with climate anxiety

Climate change-related events can cause stress, fear, and anxiety—but connecting with community can build resilience and give you the strength to navigate these difficult feelings. Learn more about climate anxiety and how to manage it.

Break out of chore inertia with this easy cleaning hack

Repetitive chores, like the dishes or laundry, can feel never-ending—and difficult to even start. Envisioning these tasks as a cycle—instead of an infinite to-do list—can help you get more done.

Reignite your productivity with these 3 techniques

Even though we all vow to be more productive at the start of the year, by now we’re, well, not. If you can relate, try these three science-backed strategies to reignite your productivity.

Ask the doc: “Can drinking alcohol impair my ability to learn?”

Discover the ways in which alcohol consumption can affect concentration, memory formation, sleep quality, emotional well-being, and academics.

Autistic masking: Tips to safely lower the mask and reclaim your authentic self

“Masking” in the autistic community refers to hiding parts of oneself to better fit in socially with non-autistic people. Masking can have benefits, but it takes a toll. Here are three tips for unmasking.

Transform your breakfast game with easy overnight oats

Whether you're rushing to a morning lecture or dealing with a late start, these make-ahead overnight oats are a delicious, portable solution.

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