Faculty of Academic & Career Preparation

Have a Question?

  • All ENGQ and ELST courses are tuition-free.*

  • Free assessment testing ensures you're placed in the course that's right for you.

  • Small class sizes and a student-focused environment ensure you get the 1-on-1 support you need.

Faculty of Academic and Career Preparation (ACP)

The Faculty of Academic and Career Preparation (ACP) knows that upgrading your education creates opportunities. Whether you are learning English as an additional language or your first language is English, we offer upgrading courses that will help you meet your educational and career goals. We also offer programs for people with diverse learnings, the Employment and Community Studies program and the Learning Communities course.

ACP courses can be taken full- or part-time to give you flexibility with your schedule. And with courses offered at KPU Richmond, KPU Surrey, KPU Langley and online you've got lots of options for learning at a location that's convenient for you.

More about ACP


*We offer tuition-free courses to eligible students, typically charged the domestic rate of tuition:

  • Canadian citizens
  • Permanent residents
  • Convention refugees
  • Diplomats

You will still need to pay for required fees and textbooks. You may qualify for a grant to help cover these costs.

Visit tuition-free ABE/ESL courses for more information or contact the Future Students' Office: study@kpu.ca or 604-599-3030.

English Upgrading

English Upgrading offers English courses for students looking to complete their BC Adult Graduation Diploma (Adult Dogwood), improve their employment opportunities, or satisfy KPU's English proficiency requirements for undergraduate university programs.

If you are a BC Adult Graduation Diploma student and you want to take a university-level course, please book an appointment with an Upgrading Advisor through Advisor Connect.

Adult Upgrading

Do you need to upgrade your math or science for a program at KPU or to complete your BC Adult Graduation Diploma (Adult Dogwood)? KPU offers adult basic education courses in mathematics and science through the Faculty of Science and Horticulture.

English Language Studies

English Language Studies (ELS) programs are meant for those learning English as an additional language. Our program teaches you to read, write, listen, and speak in English. So, if you want to improve your English for your career or university studies we're here to help you achieve your goals.

If you are a Pathway student and want to take a university-level course, please fill out the Request to Register in a University Course.

Introduction to Professional Communication for Internationally Educated Nurses (PCIEN)

If you are an internationally educated nurse, PCIEN may be a program that will provide the training you are looking for. PCIEN will be offered on KPU's Richmond campus starting on January 7th, 2025. Want to know more visit PCIEN webpage here.

Hear from students like you

Access Programs

The Employment and Community Studies Program is designed for students with diverse learning needs that hinder educational success.

Taking the EACS courses and learning experiences will prepare students for lifelong learning, employment, and community engagement opportunities.  Students will participate in hands-on learning and work experience opportunities.  The course topics focus on:

  • Employability
  • Social Justice
  • Communication
  • Advocacy
  • Technology

* EACS courses fall under the mandate of Accessible Education and Training (AET).

We are now accepting applications for the Fall (September - December 2025) Semester. If you are interested in Access Programs, please visit Employment and Community Studies.

Community Programs

KPU creates pathways to success in our communities by delivering a range of educational community programs for adult learners.

Need More Info?

Interested in a program, but still not sure? Learn more about programs, courses, fees and how to apply by attending an Information Session.

Register for Information Session

Academic Advising, Upgrading

ACP has dedicated academic advising to help you with the following topics:

  • Course planning & selection
  • Program choices
  • Course prerequisites
  • Program & graduation requirements
  • Academic regulations & policies
  • Educational planning for career goals

Our Upgrading Advisor is available for phone and online appointments.

To book a phone appointment:

  • Visit Advisor Connect
  • Select "Advising - Upgrading/ELST course"
  • Select "Phone" for location
  • Provide the phone number you may be reached at time of appointment
  • At your appointment time, please be on kpu.ca on your laptop/computer.

To book an online appointment:

  • Visit Advisor Connect
  • Select "Advising - Upgrading/ELST course"
  • Select "Online" for location
  • Include your KPU email address in the "Notes" section; you will receive a separate email before your appointment with instructions and a link to join the appointment.

To book an In-person appointment:

  • Visit Advisor Connect
  • Select "Advising - Upgrading/ELST course"
  • Select "Surrey" or "Richmond" for location
  • At this time, masks are required for in-person appointments, be sure to review our Covid-19 page for the latest updates prior to coming, https://www.kpu.ca/hui/novel-coronavirus/updates. Book an online or phone appointment if you would like someone to attend with you. ​

You can also reach the Academic Advisor for Upgrading by telephone at 604.599.2063 or email.

Note: If you are an international student requiring further information please visit International Student Support.

Student Resources

Check out our Student Resources page for even more information.

ACP Faculty Council

The Faculty Council is our academic governing body, as required under the University Act. The council's responsibilities include the approval of credentials, advising on Faculty priorities and the Faculty budget. For agenda items, committee members, meeting times or minutes regarding the council and its Standing Committees, please contact acpdeansoffice@kpu.ca.