> Kwantlen University College > Calendar > General Info > Tuition and Fees
Tuition and Fees

How to Calculate Your Fees

These general instructions are for students in open registration, fixed, semester or term based programs and courses. Please read the entire Tuition and Fees section to fully understand all costs associated with your program.

Step 01 Review Criteria
Review the program criteria in your chosen area of study to ensure that all assessment, admission and registration requirements have been met. Ensure that any admission, registration or commitment fees have been paid
Step 02 Review Program
Return to the program criteria in your chosen area of study. Make note of enrolment restrictions (open, term/fixed/semester based). Make a list of all of the courses you are registered for, for the upcoming term and note whether they are credit or non-credit.
Step 03 Determine Tuition
Using the Tuition and Program Fees table, calculate the tuition fees that apply to your program. Be sure to add in the mandatory student fees charged for all students.
Step 04 Confirm Fees

Make note of payment deadlines for your semester and confirm fees with each registration transaction.

Step 05 Make Payment
  • Pay online with Visa,  Mastercard or American Express
  • In person at cashier
  • Drop box
  • Electronic Bill Payment Services at your financial institution
  • By mail via Canada Post


Fee Schedule Disclaimer

From 01 July 2006 to 30 June 2007. Kwantlen reserves the right to amend this schedule without notice.

Credit Courses

The Kwantlen Board of Governors has approved tuition and other fees for each program. They vary depending upon the type and duration of the program. Senior citizens (age 65 and older) are not charged tuition or other fees for credit courses.


Student Association and CFS Fees

In addition to tuition fees, students are required to pay a Student Association fee. Students are also required to pay a fee for membership in the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS). All students, except senior citizens [age 65 and older]. Summer Language Bursary recipients, and those enrolled in Access Programs for People with Disabilities, pay these fees.

Student Health and Dental Plan

The Kwantlen Student Association has implemented, by means of student referendum, a mandatory health and dental plan providing extended medical coverage and a student dental plan. Enrolment in these plans is a requirement of registration at the University College for all students with a course load of 60% (9 credits) or more.

There is a provision for opting out of either or both plans if a student is able to provide proof of comparable existing coverage. Specific instructions for opting out are available online. When a student registers at Kwantlen, the student’s name, student number, address, gender and date of birth will be released to the insurer and the plan administrators.

All questions or concerns about plan coverage or opting out of the Student Health and Dental Plan should be directed to the Student Service Coordinator:

Kwantlen Student Association
Langley: 604.599.3398
Newton: 604.599.3046
Richmond: 604.599.2721
Surrey: 604.599.2126
Health and Dental Plan Provider
Tel: 604.599.2431
Fax: 604.599.2432
Website: www.gallivan.ca/studentnetworks

Registration Access Fee

All Kwantlen students, except senior citizens (age 65 and older), Summer Language Bursary recipients and those enrolled in Access Programs for People with Disabilities, pay a Registration Access Fee (RAF).

The Registration Access Fee will be assessed during registration for each term or semester. This fee entitles students to register for courses, make changes to their registration during specified dates, and access their records and personal information.

The Registration Access Fee is non-refundable.

Registration Deposit

Prior to registering, students must have a credit of $240.00, comprised of a $40.00 Registration Access Fee and a $200.00 Registration Deposit. The Registration Deposit is used as partial payment for courses in which the student is registered. It is nonrefundable and non-transferable unless the student is unable at any time, after repeated attempts, to register in any course.

Where eligible, a student’s registration deposit will be automatically transferred for up to two consecutive semesters following the initial semester for which a deposit was paid.

Students who wish to request a refund of the registration deposit must follow the procedures as stated in policy C.39 titled “Refund/Fee Adjustment Exceptions” which can be found online at www.kwantlen.ca/policies

Tuition Tables


International students should see the tuition section in the International Education portion of this calendar.

Semester and Term-Based Program Fees

Fees in effect for the Calendar year for 2006/2007.

Fees are subject to change without notice.

Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents
Tuition $112.00 per credit
Library Fee 1.25% of total tuition
Technology Fee $4.00 per undergraduate and vocational course

All Students
Student Association Fees Calculated at $5.25 per credit semester
Canadian Federation of Students Levy at $0.60 per credit to a maximum of $7.20/semester
Student Medical Plan Fees at $93.00 per year (can be waived if student already has coverage)
Student Dental Plan Fees at $86.00 per year (can be waived if student already has coverage)

Continuous Intake Program Fees

Fees in effect for the Calendar year for 2006/2007.

Fees are subject to change without notice.

Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents
Tuition $97.50 per credit
Library Fee 1.25% of total tuition
Technology Fee $4.00 per undergraduate and vocational course
All Students
Student Association Fees Calculated at $3.10 per week full-time (pro-rated for part-time study)
Canadian Federation of Students Levy at $0.46 per week full-time (pro-rated for part-time study)
Student Medical Plan Fees at $93.00 per year (can be waived if student already has coverage)
Student Dental Plan Fees at $86.00 per year (can be waived if student already has coverage)

Fixed-Term Program Fees

Fees in effect for the Calendar year for 2006/2007.

Fees are subject to change without notice.

Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents
Tuition $112.00 per credit
Library Fee 1.25% of total tuition
Technology Fee $4.00 per undergraduate and vocational course
All Students
Student Association Fees Calculated at $5.25 per credit
Canadian Federation of Students Levy at $0.60 per credit to a maximum of $7.20/semester
Student Medical Plan Fees at $93.00 per year (can be waived if student already has coverage)
Student Dental Plan Fees at $86.00 per year (can be waived if student already has coverage)

Other Program Fees

Fees in effect for the Calendar year for 2006/2007.

Fees are subject to change without notice.

The appropriate Vice President will determine fees and charges for the following:

  • Cooperative Education Work Term
  • Prior Learning Assessment
  • Upgrading, Training Professional Studies and Course Audit
  • International Students (consistent with Ministry Guidelines)

Payment of Fees

Open Registration Programs

Instructions for the payment of fees assessed during Web registration are included as part of the online Registration Guide and Timetable for each semester. A registration deposit will be required each semester before students will be given access to the Registration System. International Students must pay full tuition before they will receive access to the Registration System.

The remainder of fees must be paid by the first deadline as published in the Registration Guide and Timetable each semester. If a student does not make arrangements to pay their fees in full by the first payment deadline, their entire semester registration will be cancelled without notification. For any registration activity after the first payment deadline students will be required to make arrangements to pay their fees by the second payment deadline (after the end of late registration). If a student does not make arrangements to pay their fees by this second payment deadline their registration will not be cancelled. They will be billed for the outstanding fees, and assessed a late penalty (currently 5% of the outstanding amount, with a $10.00 minimum).

An additional penalty will be assessed on any outstanding balance four weeks after the first billing. Should the outstanding account balance not be paid at this time, the university college reserves the right to forward the account to collections.

Selective Entry Programs

For most selective entry programs, a non-refundable commitment fee must be paid shortly after a seat in the program is offered to an applicant. The majority of this fee is applied toward the tuition assessed for the program. Payment of the commitment fee signifies acceptance of the seat by the applicant.

Should the applicant not complete the registration process by registering on or before a specified deadline, the commitment fee is forfeited and retained by the university college and the seat will be offered to another applicant. Refer to the information in “Open Registration Programs” for payment of the remaining fees.

Fixed Term Programs

Students registering in a fixed term program will be notified by the Office of the Registrar of the date by which fees must be paid. All fees must be paid prior to the start of classes.

Continuous Intake Programs

Students registering in continuous intake programs are required to pay three (3) months tuition and other fees in advance, on or before the first teaching day of every third month.

Students who are granted Fee Deferrals must contact the Office of the Registrar by the due date to arrange for continuation of their registration. Students for whom paying their tuition and other fees three months in advance is a hardship will be permitted to pay on a monthly basis if recommended by the Registrar or designate or the Financial Awards Officer after completing an assessment of need.

Students who do not pay their fees by the close of business on the first day of classes for the month for which fees are due will be subject to a late payment fee. A student who fails to pay the fees owing by the close of business on the third day of classes for the month for which fees are due will have her or his registration cancelled and the seat may be offered to an applicant on the waitlist.

The student may appeal for reinstatement through the normal College appeal process. If reinstatement is approved, the student will be required to pay a reinstatement fee in addition to the late payment fee. Reinstatement will be subject to the availability of a seat in the program.


Methods of Payment

Payment for tuition and other fees may be made by cash, cheque, credit card (Visa, MasterCard and American Express only), debit card, bank transfer or money order. In addition, payment may be made by Passport to Education, scholarship, bursary, student loan or by a sponsoring agency. In-person third party payments are only permissible if accompanied by a written authorization bearing the student’s signature, and the name of the third party.


Passport to Education

Payment for tuition and other fees may be made by cash, cheque, credit card (Visa , MasterCard and American Express only), debit card, bank transfer or money order. In addition, payment may be made by Passport to Education, scholarship, bursary, student loan or by a sponsoring agency. In-person third party payments are only permissible if accompanied by a written authorization bearing the student’s signature, and the name of the third party.

Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans

Scholarships, Bursaries and Loans Students relying on the proceeds from a scholarship, bursary or student loan to pay their tuition and other fees should refer to the Registration Guide and Timetable for each semester, or contact Financial Awards regarding the deadline for a fee payment override.

Sponsored Students

Students whose fees are being paid by a sponsoring agency must ensure that a Letter of Authorization is received by Financial Services before your registration date. If you are relying on a sponsorship to cover the Registration Deposit, you must provide the Letter of Authorization before you can register. Letter of Authorization may be faxed to the attention of Accounts Receivable at 604.599.2338. Any question concerning sponsorship should be directed to Accounts Receivable at 604. 599.2242 or 604.599.2057.

Returned Cheques

If a cheque is issued in payment for fees and is returned for any reason prior to the first payment deadline, students will have their registration cancelled. If a cheque is issued in payment for fees and is returned for any reason after the start of classes, students will not be removed from their program and/or courses. Instead, they will be billed for the amount owing and NSF fees and payment penalties will be applied.

Account Balances

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that any outstanding charges from previous registrations or other transactions with Kwantlen have been cleared. Kwantlen reserves the right to initiate action regarding any monies owed by the student in order to ensure that collection matters are brought to a timely and satisfactory conclusion.

Refunds and Fee Adjustments

See policy C.39 that can be viewed at the Library or online at www.kwantlen.ca/policies for further details.

International Students need to refer to policy K.1 that can be viewed at the Library or online at www.kwantlen.ca/policies.

Refunds or adjustments are provided under the conditions stated in the policy. Refund cheques will normally be mailed within six weeks after eligibility has been determined. The minimum amount refunded will be $5.00.

The following fees will not be refunded:

  • Application Fee
  • Re-application Fee
  • Commitment Fee
  • Document Evaluation Fee
  • External Invigilation Fee
  • Grade Appeal Fee
  • Guided Study Tuition
  • Late Payment Fee
  • Prior Learning Assessment
  • Registration Access Fee
  • Registration Deposit
  • Reinstatement Fee
  • Supplemental Examination
  • Testing Fee
  • Transcript Fee

Selective Entry and Open Registration

Refunds are given, in accordance with policy. Specific instructions regarding the refund or adjustment of fees are provided in the Registration Guide and Timetable for each semester.

Students who accept a seat and pay the Commitment Fee, but do not register, will forfeit the Commitment Fee.

In general, students are entitled to a full refund, or a full reduction in outstanding fees, less the amount of the Registration Deposit, when courses are dropped by a specified deadline prior to the start of classes. This deadline is published in the online Registration Guide and Timetable.

Students who withdraw by the published deadline during late registration and thereby reduce their course load, will be granted a partial refund, or partial reduction in assessed fees (currently 70% of tuition fees, less the amount of the Registration Deposit which varies for International students).

The Registration Access Fee is non-refundable. If the adjusted fees exceed the amount already paid on the account, the student will be required to pay the difference by the Fee Payment Deadline. Late payments are subject to a penalty.

A student who withdraws from courses after the deadline specified for refunds/fee adjustments is not entitled to a refund if the course load is decreased.

Fixed Term Programs

The following applies only to programs which do not use online registration (for programs that register online refer to the above section titled Selective Entry and Open Registration).

Students who fail to register after paying a commitment fee will forfeit the commitment fee.

In general, students who withdraw prior to the start of classes will receive a full refund or fee reduction, less the commitment fee. The Registration Access Fee will not be refunded. Students who withdraw by the end of the first week of classes will be entitled to a partial refund or fee reduction (currently 70%) of course fees, less the commitment fee. The Registration Access Fee will not be refunded. A student who withdraws from a program or course after the first week of classes is not entitled to a refund.

Certain programs may establish individual refund schedules. These programs will provide information to students on the refund/fee adjustment deadlines prior to or upon registration.

Continuous Intake Programs

Students registered in continuous-intake programs are entitled to tuition fee refunds according to the following schedule:

Completion of Program

Students who complete their program and who have paid in advance will receive a full refund of tuition and Student Association fees for each full week paid for but not utilized.

Withdrawal or Suspension

Refunds of tuition and Student Association fees will only be granted for each full week of instruction paid for but not completed. Refunds will not be granted for partial weeks.

Guided Study

Because of the particular fee payment arrangements for instructor services, a student signing a guided study contract will not be eligible for any refund after the course has begun.

Tuition Fee and Education Certificate (T2202A)

This certificate will be issued to a student who was enroled in a qualifying educational program or a specified educational program. The student must have been enroled at the institution during the calendar year. The final determination of eligibility is based on the policies as set out by Revenue Canada. T2202A’s can be viewed and printed on Kwantlen’s Online Self-Service system.

General Fee Table

Fees are subject to change without notice. These fees are in effect from 01 July 2006 to 30 June 2007

Fee Description Amount Conditions
Preadmission Fees
Calendar Charge Pick up (in person) $4.00 Price does not include GST
Mailed in Canada $7.00
International Mailing $12.00
Assessments and Testing See Assessment Table Determined by Faculty See individual programs for details
Document Evaluation Canadian International $25.00 $50.00 Non-refundable Non-refundable
English Placement Tests   $35.00 See individual programs for details
Admission Fees
Application Fee Canadian and Permanent Residents $40.00 Seniors discount. Non-refundable.
International $120.00 Non-refundable
Re-application Fee   $20.00 Non-refundable
Registration Fees
Registration Access Fee   $40.00 Paid prior to registration. Non-refundable except under restricted conditions.
Registration Deposit Required from Open Registration students $200.00 Applied towards tuition. Non-refundable except under restricted conditions.
Commitment Fee Maximum of 25% of program fee Varies by program Applied towards tuition. Varies for International students. Non-refundable.
Reinstatement Fee   $40.00 Non-refundable
Payment Fees
Tuition See Tuition Fee tables Varies Varies with program. Refund restrictions.
Student Fees See Tuition Fee tables Varies Varies with program. Refund restrictions.
Late Payment Fee 5% of account balance (min. $10.00) assessed monthly. Varies Assessed for a fee payment which is made after the payment deadline.
Returned Cheque Fee   $25.00 Non-refundable
Duplicate T2202A Tax Form Fee   No charge if accessed online T2202A Tax Forms can be viewed online and a duplicate copy printed from Kwantlen’s online Self-Service system.
Program Completion Fees
Graduation Credential   No charge  
Replacement Graduation Credential   $25.00  
Convocation Ceremony   No charge  
Transcript Fee Both official and student copies $5.35 electronic $7.49 paper $26.75 rush
(GST included)
Transcripts will only be released upon presentation of photo identification. They will be released to a third party only if a signed letter of permission is provided. Non-refundable. Rush pick up only available at Surrey Campus
Exam and Grade Fees
External Invigilation Charge   $25.00 Per exam. Non-refundable.
Grade Appeal Fee   $25.00 Refundable if appeal granted.
Replacement Credential   $25.00 Non-refundable.
Supplemental Examination   $15.00 Per exam. Non-refundable.
Guided Study Fee   $25.00  
Other Program Fees
Student ID/Library Card Replacement   $5.00 Non-refundable.
Book Deposit/Equipment Fee   Variable Paid at the time of registration.
Cooperative Education Work Term Determined by faculty Variable See individual programs for information.
Upgrading, Training and Professional Determined by faculty Variable See individual programs for information