This is an ARCHIVED version of the Kwantlen University College Calendar for 2007-2008 (FALL) and is provided for historical reference only. See the current version of the Calendar for updated information.


GERM 1100 CR-3

Basic German I

Students will use the communicative approach to develop basic oral, listening, reading, and writing skills in German while exploring the Germanic culture.

Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

GERM 1101 CR-3

Basic German II

Students will use the communicative approach to build on basic skills and continue to develop oral, listening, reading, and writing skills while further exploring the Germanic culture.

Prerequisites: GERM 1100 or equivalent, or German 11, or assessment by instructor.

Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

GERM 2200 CR-3

Intermediate German I

Students will use the communicative approach to review and expand their knowledge of basic German grammar. They will continue to develop oral, listening, reading, and writing skills at the intermediate level while further exploring the Germanic culture.

Prerequisites: German 11 with a grade of B, or German 12 with a C or GERM 1101 , or assessment by instructor.

Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

GERM 2201 CR-3

Intermediate German II

Students will use the communicative approach to reinforce and expand their linguistic skills through integrated and interactive practice in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Students will also continue to work on their intercultural learning skills.

Prerequisites: GERM 2200 or equivalent, or German 12 with a grade B or higher or assessment by instructor

Transferable (refer to transfer guide)

GERM 3300 CR-3

German Culture through Film

Students will view subtitled German films and read excerpts in translation from works of Germanic historiography, philosophy, psychology, and sociology, which highlight the key issues in the cultural history of the German-speaking countries. They will then apply critical reading, viewing, and writing strategies as they examine and evaluate the central concepts and themes used to organize Germanic cultural history, as well as the ways in which textual and visual media create, enforce, and challenge these assumptions.

Prerequisites: ENGL 1100 and (one of ENGL 1202 or 1204 or CRWR 1100 or FINA 1121) and 3 credits from any 2000-level course or higher

Transferable (refer to transfer guide)