2011-12 University Calendar
 Kwantlen Polytechnic University  Calendar  2011-12  Academic Affairs  Library

Library: Coast Capital Savings Library


Kwantlen’s four campus libraries at Cloverdale, Langley, Surrey and Richmond provide resources and services to meet the needs of Kwantlen’s diverse learner community. The library’s print and electronic resources as well as instructional programs and other services help students develop their research skills and succeed in their course studies. Library resources are available to students and all Kwantlen employees.

Smart Card

The Kwantlen Smart Card serves as both a library card and student identification card. Students can obtain their Smart Card at any campus library one month prior to the start of classes. The Smart Card must be presented when borrowing any library materials and at all Student Association sponsored activities. It may be used as photo identification when picking up grade statements, transcripts, or other documents from Student Enrolment Services. In addition, it is used for photocopying and printing and is required to obtain a U-Pass. The Smart Card is permanent and is automatically updated each semester upon registration. The information on the Smart Card forms part of your student record and is confidential. If the card is lost, please notify the library immediately.

Help with Research

Librarians are available at all campus library Information Desks to assist students individually and to teach the skills needed to use library resources effectively. Instructors may book group Library and Web Instruction Sessions for their classes. The library’s website provides information on library resources and services including tutorials, the library catalogue and research databases. Multipurpose computer labs are available at all campus libraries. These computers are used for library instruction, searching library resources, Internet access, e-mail and word processing.

Books, Journals, Videos and DVDs

Our collection includes more than 238,000 catalogued print, online and audiovisual items. All resources are listed in the library catalogue, which can be searched through the library website. In addition, the library subscribes to research databases which provide access to full text articles from over 32,000 journals as well as online encyclopedias and dictionaries. Research databases can be searched through the library website and Kwantlen students and employees can access most of these databases from off campus.

The library has an excellent collection of videos, DVDs and streaming videos. Students can reserve Kwantlen videos and DVDs or watch streaming videos through the library catalogue. Equipment can be booked by contacting the Audiovisual Services Technician at your nearest campus library or through the library website. The library also houses special collections including government documents, and microform that supplement the book, periodical and media collections.

Borrowing and Fines

Most books are loaned for a three-week period with the exception of reference books, which must remain in the library. Journals may be borrowed for three days. Materials may be renewed if not requested by another borrower. Fines are charged for overdue materials and failure to pay overdue fines or fees for lost material may result in the withholding of student transcripts and credentials, the suspension of library privileges and may also prevent registration for courses.

Intercampus and Interlibrary Requests

The library operates a request system that allows library users to request books from other KPU campus libraries or place a hold on an item that is out on loan. All library notices (overdues, recalls & holds available) are delivered via Kwantlen email.

Kwantlen participates in the Canadian University Reciprocal Borrowing Agreement that allows students, faculty and staff to obtain a free community borrower/extramural library card at a number of institutions across Canada. Please check the Library website for more information and a list of participating institutions. Kwantlen library users can also obtain materials from other libraries via interlibrary loan.

For more information contact:

Cloverdale: 604.598.6043

Langley: 604.599.3204

Richmond: 604.599.3111

Surrey: 604.599.2103

Hours of operation vary by campus and time of year. Please refer to the library website (www.kwantlen.ca/library) to find current open hours and service desk hours for each campus library.

Last Updated: Oct 12, 2011

This online version of the Kwantlen Academic Calendar is the official version of the University calendar. Although every effort is made to ensure accuracy at the time of publication, Kwantlen reserves the right to make any corrections in the contents and provisions of this calendar without notice. In addition, the University reserves the right to cancel, add, or revise contents or change fees at any time without notice. To report errors or omissions, or send comments or suggestions, please email Calendar.Editor@kwantlen.ca.