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Political Science

Political Science explores power in all its forms. Although power relationships suffuse all of social life, we most often focus upon power and authority as exercised through governments and states, and, in the international arena, between governments and states. Thus, Political Science invites you to explore the forces that shape our lives through public rule, as well as non-state actors - such as corporations, social movements, non-governmental organizations, and terrorist groups - who seek to use their power to change the world.

In Political Science at KPU, you will approach the world of power through:

  • North American studies, with special attention paid to Canadian politics, including the Charter of Rights, multiculturalism, local government, and foreign policy; as well as American and continental politics.
  • International studies, including international organizations (such as the UN), human rights issues, international political economy, cross-border identities, human security, and international law.
  • Applied and experiential courses that give you the chance to develop hands-on skills in oratory, public debating, diplomacy, and real-world policy work.

Finally, courses in comparative politics and political thought will round out your mastery of power and politics.

In this section

Student Profile

As a student of Political Science, you want to understand and master the world of power. Since power and public rule intersect with questions of law, history, philosophy, and economics, Political Science appeals to those looking to bring together a range of interests in order to master the problems facing our world. These include issues of government, law, and policy, international conflict and diplomacy, human rights, and social change.

Career Opportunities

Political Science instills a range of transferable skills that are highly desirable in many fields of professional life. Specifically, graduates with a B.A. in Political Science often find careers in:

  • The public sector (government departments and semi-independent agencies);
  • The foreign service and diplomacy;
  • Partisan politics (e.g., as speechwriters, policy advisors, researchers, or candidates);
  • International agencies and non-governmental organizations;
  • Law (law schools accept more graduates from Political Science than any other field);
  • Independent research organizations and think tanks;
  • Advocacy groups;
  • Journalism, labour unions, education, and business;
  • Innovative tech corporations which seek critical and open minds to safely guide them through their envelope-pushing endeavours

The breadth of the discipline prepares students extremely well and places them in an advantageous competitive position for graduate study, whether in Political Science, law, or related fields.

Last Updated: 20-Dec-2018

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