Learning Channels Inventory


  • Read each statement.
  • Place the number that best describes your preference in the line after each statement

1 = Seldom   2 = Sometimes   3 = Often

Learning Channels Inventory

    1. I can remember something best if I say it aloud.
    2. I prefer to follow written instructions rather than oral ones.
    3. When studying, I like to chew gum, fidget and/or play with something.
    4. I remember things best when I see them written out.
    5. I prefer to learn through simulations, games, and/or role playing.
    6. I enjoy learning with my hands.
    7. I learn best from pictures, diagrams and charts.
    8. I enjoy working with my hands.
    9. I enjoy reading, and I read quickly.
    10. I prefer to listen to the news on the radio rather than read it in the newspaper.
    11. I enjoy being near others. I enjoy hugs, handshakes and touches.
    12. I listen to the radio, tapes, and recordings.
    13. When asked to spell a word, I simply see the word in my mind’s eye.
    14. When learning new material, I find myself sketching, drawing and doodling.
    15. When I read silently, I say every word to myself.