Multiple Intelligences and Learning Needs


Students who are strongly Think Like Need
Linguistic in words reading, writing, telling stories, playing word games, etc. books, tapes, writing tools paper diaries, dialogues, discussion, debate stories
Logical- Mathematical by reasoning experimenting, questioning, figuring out puzzles, calculating, etc. things to explore and think about, science materials, manipulatives, trips to the planetarium and science museum
Spatial in images and pictures designing, drawing, visualizing, doodling, etc. art, LEGOs, video, movies, slides, imagination games, mazes, puzzles, illustrated books, trips to art museums
Bodily- Kinesthetic through somatic sensations dancing, running, jumping, building, touching, gesturing, etc. role play, drama, movement, things to build, sports and physical games, tactile experiences, hands-on learning
Musical via rhythms and melodies singing, whistling, humming, tapping feet and hands, listening, etc.. sing-along time, trips to concerts, music playing at home and school, musical instruments
Interpersonal by bouncing ideas off other people leading, organizing, relating, manipulating, mediating, partying, etc. friends, group games, social gatherings, community events, clubs, mentors/apprenticeships
Intrapersonal deeply inside themselves setting goals, meditating, dreaming, being quiet, secret places, time alone, self-paced projects, choices