SRIG 21-03 Daphnnie Robyn Flores Headshot

Daphnnie F, Psychology


My Psychology Honours Thesis research study investigates the effects of music genre and personality on scores in different exam types. When I was planning and preparing for my Honours Thesis research, it was clear that I needed hundreds of participants to take part in my study. Given that it was quite a long study (about 30 to 45 minutes long), and a high dropout rate is highly likely, I knew that I needed some sort of funding in order to provide adequate incentives for my participants. When I heard about the Student Research Innovation Grant (SRIG), I was quick to apply. After being granted CAD 1,500.00, I was able to provide incentives to thank my participants for taking the time to do my study. With the help of SRIG, my research study, that was just a mere thought, was suddenly brought to life and for that I am very grateful.