Emily T., ISFS

The Student Research and Innovation Grant (SRIG) supported me through the initial phases of my research for a master’s in Environment and Management. My study is focusing on exploring the adaptive characteristics of Andean potato cultivars in the context of Southwest British Columbia. Through a cross-cultural analysis between Salt Spring Island in Canada and Chimborazo in Ecuador, I aim to understand whether Andean potato cultivars have the potential to increase crop and farmer resilience in Southwest British Columbia. The SRIG financially supported me through the planning phases of my research including developing my research proposal, designing the research methodology, creating interview questionnaires, and connecting with potential collaborators, to name a few. The SRIG is also supporting my travel expenses to Salt Spring Island and to Ecuador, to perform the in-person interviews required for this research. The SRIG provided the space for me to focus solely on planning my project as I pursue this research for the next two years.
Related UN Goals
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.