Julie N., Sociology

Being awarded a KPU Student Research and Innovation Grant has been a highlight of my undergraduate experience at KPU. Having the opportunity to conduct a research project under the supervision of Dr. Yoshizawa has been immensely rewarding. The 1:1 guidance with a very sharp focus on my area of research has allowed me to gain the skills and experience that I will need as I look towards graduate programs. My KPU SRIG is the catalyst I needed to apply theory into practice, and in doing so I was able to apprentice under my supervising professor when learning how to conduct research, transcribe interviews, and then code the transcripts. As I conclude my time at KPU and look towards my Masters program, I know that I am better equipped to be successful in this endeavour because of the KPU SRIG award.
Related UN Goals
Promote sustainable terrestrial ecosystems: manage forests, combat desertification, reverse land degradation, and preserve biodiversity.
Advance peaceful, inclusive societies for sustainable development; ensure justice access for all; and establish effective, accountable, inclusive institutions at all levels.