Justyna L., Fashion Arts

Justyna L., Fashion Arts

Justyna L., Fashion Arts

The Student Research and Innovation Grant allowed me to develop a better understanding and interest in research. I was able to passionately explore alternative fitting methods for sustainable design without financial restraints. Through the SRIG I was able to source key resources and materials to elevate my research. I created a project I was proud of and the grant allowed me to dive deeper into topics and issues that are prominent in the fashion industry today. I am so grateful for the support of KPU and my advisor Jessica Bayntun. I am excited to take all the insights and knowledge I have developed over the course of my research project into my future career in the fashion design industry. Thank you KPU and the SRIG program for inspiring students to innovate and create! I would highly recommend students to apply for the SRIG as it is a great opportunity to gain hands on and professional research experience while investigating topics of your interests.

Related UN Goals


Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.


Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.


Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.