Anonymous Reporting

There are 4 ways to report sexual violence anonymously and receive support:

Connect with KPU’s Student Rights and Responsibilities Office (SRRO) in various ways that don’t identify you:

a) Email from a private email (not your KPU student email) that doesn’t identify you and then don’t disclose your name

b) Phone one of the Liaisons and don’t disclose your name, we can talk with you and won’t pressure you to provide your name (find our phone numbers here)

c) Make an appointment to meet virtually or in person but don’t provide your name or any contact information that identifies you

d) Contact us using the form below


The SRRO can talk with you about your experience, connect you to other resources, discuss options available to you as a KPU student including any support needs and information on options under KPU policy such as making a complaint.

Report anonymously using KPU’s Safe App 

Open the App and select your campus; choose “report non-emergency concern”; and then select “file a sexual misconduct report”. 


Alternatively, you can open the App and select your campus; choose "support resources"; select "sexual misconduct"; and then select "file a sexual misconduct report".


KPU Listens:

You can make an anonymous Disclosure or Complaint through the University's protected disclosure system


Make a Third Party Report to Police :

Make a Third Party Report to Police – for more information about what this is visit :  OR…


To Make a Third Party Report via Community-Based Victim Services (CBVS), reach out directly to a CBVS provider.  Also, the SRRO can facilitate connecting you with a CBVS provider:

Salal (formerly WAVAW)

 EVA-BC’s directory of Community-Based Victim Services


Limits to anonymous reporting:

Anonymous reporting allows you to report information to the SRRO without revealing who you are.  This is an appropriate method to use when you want to receive support but don’t want to reveal your identity. 

Please note that there are limits to the University’s ability to act on anonymous reports. When you are anonymous, the SRRO can start a dialogue with you about your options under policy in moving forward with a complaint; as well as, help you explore resources to support you. However, we may not be able to act on your report in terms of the individual(s) you are reporting about unless you decide to move forward with an official complaint. 

The difference between anonymous and confidential reporting:

Confidential reporting means that you report information and your identity to the SRRO. We would know who you are, but keep your identity confidential. 

Please note that there are limits of confidentiality:  

  • If we have reason to believe that a person(s) or a member of a vulnerable population is in imminent harm or danger then we must disclose information to the appropriate authorities; or,  
  • If you choose to move forward with a Complaint following KPU’s (SR14) policy and procedures.  

Contact Us

If you wish to remain anonymous, you may leave this blank