Alumni Highlight

Kelly Boxma
Name: Kelly Boxma
Kwantlen Program: Bachelor of Business Administration, Major: Accounting
Grad Year: 2014
Employed as: Accountant, MNP LLP
Employer website:

What are your primary responsibilities at your job? My day-to-day responsibilities often vary. I am scheduled to go out to clients and help perform audits and reviews within the next few months, and I have been out on a few inventory counts. However right now, my primary responsibilities are the NTRs that I am working on, and throughout tax season the T4s, T5s, and T1s come in constantly.

What is your favourite part of your job? The people I work with! The one thing that really differentiated MNP, throughout the 2012 CA Recruitment, was the people. I made great connections and got along extremely well with everyone I met, from the partners to the students. After doing a four-month co-op with MNP in January 2013 and having the opportunity to meet more MNP employees, I knew that it was the firm I wanted to do my articling with.

What's the last book you read? As pathetic as it sounds, the last book I read was a textbook! When you are required to read four to five textbooks every semester, you start to perceive reading as a chore, instead of a hobby. However, I am looking forward to picking up a book for fun pretty soon.

What's currently on your iPod? Nothing! I have the first generation iPod Nano, which I got for Christmas in Grade 7, and I only use it to listen to the radio.

How do you like to unwind/handle stress? I have been doing Bikram yoga for about four months now. At first it was for the exercise, but now it is also for the meditation. Conveniently the studio I practise at is kitty-corner to MNP, so I often go after work.

Who is the most famous person you've ever met? I finished my last final on Dec. 13, 2013 and I did not begin my job until Jan. 13, 2014. During the break, I went on a Caribbean cruise and went to Walt Disney World. With that being said, the most famous people I have ever met would have to be the Disney characters!

Where does your inspiration come from? I have wanted to be a professional accountant since I was in high school. I am not exactly sure what or who inspired me to become an accountant, but I know my motivation and determination comes from my parents. They have provided me with everything I could possibly need to help me achieve my goals.

Favourite Kwantlen moment? I would have to say my time with the ASK (Accounting Society of Kwantlen) had a lot of favourite moments. In April 2013, the executive team raised more than $1,400 for the ALS Foundation, and had more than 15 volunteers attend the Walk for ALS on behalf of Kwantlen. This was my favourite fundraiser. However, the work that the ASK did with the Surrey Food Bank over the past few years was also among my favourite moments. I have been volunteering with the Surrey Food Bank for more than seven years now, so being able to include other Kwantlen students in something that means so much to me created many great moments.

Where do you see yourself in one, five or 10 years? I am beginning my CPA designation this May, so within the next three years I will become a designated professional accountant, which is what I am focusing on right now.  Long term, I most definitely see myself at MNP. As of right now, I am not sure exactly what direction/specialization I want to go in, but I know I will be supported in whatever I choose.

What is the best part about being graduated? Being on the “other side” at networking events. I am no longer a student networking with professionals; I am a professional networking with students. I attended the KPU Career Fair a few weeks ago, representing MNP, which was an awesome experience. I love being able to talk to students, and answer questions, especially because I was in their position only two months ago and can relate!

Greatest advice for life? Don’t follow anyone else’s advice.  Figure out what you want out of life, and go for it, on your own time, in your own way.