Alumnus Highlight

Name: Corry Anderson-Fennell

Corry Anderson-Fennel

Kwantlen Program: Journalism

Grad Year: 1989

Employed as: Manager, media and communications at KPU

Employer website:


What are your primary responsibilities at your job:

Internal and external communications and media relations. I also have responsibility for external relations specifically in the City of Richmond, which I love because it puts me back in the community where I grew up and where I worked previously as editor of the Richmond News. I enjoy reconnecting with people I used to work with, and forging new relationships in such a great community. It’s also where KPU’s journalism school used to be headquartered!


What is your favourite part of your work?

Definitely connecting with people and learning and sharing their stories with others. My journalism training showed me that truly everyone has a story, and it’s those stories in which I’m most interested.


How do you like to unwind/handle stress?

I go running with my dog, even though this puts me at complete odds with what she likes to do to handle stress: Sleep. She’s a blue heeler/border collie, which should put her at the top of the energy scale, but instead I think she channels her internal basset hound on our runs.


Who is the most famous person you've ever met?

I guess Bret Michaels from Poison? Or, if you are an NFL fan, I met Richard Sherman of the Seattle Seahawks a couple of years ago when he was speaking at an elementary school in Surrey. He was an incredibly nice fellow and he connected with the kids so well. I would rather have seen the Green Bay Packers beat the Seahawks last weekend, but I guess if they had to lose to anyone, I’m happy it’s Sherman and the Seahawks at the championship game.


If you had a time machine and could have lunch with anyone living or dead, who would it be?

It would have to be my dad. He passed away a couple of years ago. I don’t know if he knew how much he influenced who I am today, and I would relish the opportunity to tell him so. I think he would also really like the fact that I started a KPU award in his and my mom’s name: the Morris and Patricia Anderson Social Justice Award will be given to a student in the Faculty of Arts who is passionate about making a difference in the lives of the disenfranchised in society.


Where does your inspiration come from?

I’m inspired by nature and how it looks, smells and feels. We live on a floating home in Ladner, and I’m often struck by the beauty of the river, the wildlife, the sunsets, and how they all mingle together in what seems like moving art.


Greatest advice for life?

Don’t be afraid to take risks, and don’t wait for tomorrow to do the things that matter today.


What's the last book you read?

Five Weeks in the Amazon by Sean Michael Hayes. Sean is my neighbour!


What's currently on your iPod?

I’m embarrassed to say lots of stuff from the ’80s. When I’m out on a run, it keeps me moving. Remember Come On Eileen from Dexys Midnight Runners? Motivational, right?