Alumni Highlight

Kevin LambertName: Kevin Lambert

Kwantlen Program: Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Grad Year: 2011

Employed as: Registered Nurse (Emergency)

Employer website:


What are your primary responsibilities at your job?

I work as a Registered Nurse in the emergency department at Peace Arch Hospital. My responsibilities working in this department range from basic nursing care to patient teaching to emergency resuscitation.  


What is your favourite part of your job?

Getting the opportunity to connect with patients and their families. Being able to provide support to patients and their families in their time of crises is incredibly rewarding and brings me an immeasurable amount of satisfaction.


How do you like to unwind/handle stress?

In my time off I like to unwind by spending time with family and friends, taking in a game, losing myself in a good book or hitting the open road on my motorcycle for a cruise.

Who is the most famous person you've ever met?

Rick Mercer. I met him while he was playing roulette at a local casino; by the way his favourite number is black 22.


If you had a time machine and could have lunch with anyone living or dead, who would it be?

That’s a tough question but I would have to say George Lucas. Being a huge fan of the series I would love the opportunity to pick the brain of this creative genius.


Where does your inspiration come from?

My parents; it’s because of their tireless efforts and dedication that I am where I am today.

Where do you see yourself in one, five or 10 years?

 In one year, I hope to still be working in the emergency department at Peace Arch Hospital. In five years I hope to be going back to school for law. In 10 years assuming all goes well, I hope to be happily married with two dogs and practising law.


What are you most proud of?

I would have to say my career.

Greatest advice for life.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you and to always be kind. I may only have 24 years of life experience but I have found that if you do right by others you can expect good things to come your way.


Favourite Kwantlen moment.

Graduation day. The culmination of four years of blood, sweat, and tears is a day I will always remember.

What's the last book you read?

Dune. A science fiction classic that is a worth the read for sci-fan fans and the average reader a like.


What's currently on your iPod?

The collection of songs on my iPod is an eclectic mix with everything from Matthew Good to Jay Z to The Beatles.