Alumnus Spotlight

Sean Bindra
Name: Sean Bindra

Program: BBA in Marketing

Grad year: 2015

Employed as: Community Relations Coordinator

Employer website:

What are your primary responsibilities at your job? Coordinating the various community initiatives. This involves booking numerous community visits all across the province, and visiting each place with the BC Lions players.

What is your favourite part of your work? The ability to inspire kids and encourage them to be the best they can be, and guide them in the right positive direction.

How do you like to unwind/handle stress? I believe in time-management. A successful person is one who knows how to manage his or her time. This allows me to avoid stressful situations. If I do become stressed, I like to play sports and participate in dance classes.

Who is the most famous person you've ever met? The most famous person I have ever met is Hrithik Roshan, who is one of the most popular Bollywood actors.

If you had a time machine and could have lunch with anyone living or dead, who would it be? I would like to have lunch with myself from the past. This way I could tell myself to stress less, and that in the end everything works out for the best. I'd advise myself to not live in the past or the future, but to live in the present moment.

Where does your inspiration come from? My inspiration comes from my mom and dad. My parents have been my best friends growing up and they have taught me so much. Their guidance, love and support have inspired me to try my best always and to be the best that I can be.

Where do you see yourself in one, five or 10 years? I see myself having a family of my own, and being happy with my life. This has to do with my personal life and career. A job that allows me to balance my work and personal life is essential to living a happy life.

What are you most proud of? I am most proud of organizing and directing two anti-bullying flash mobs. In total, more than 1,300 kids have participated in these flash mobs. I am proud of knowing that I have played a positive role in their lives by helping create a memory that they will cherish for the rest of their lives and hold dearly. I am also proud of knowing that I am doing my part in bringing our community one step closer to putting an end to bullying. As a community, we are all stronger together than apart.

Greatest advice for life? Be good, and do good. Always try your best in life and don’t be too hard on yourself. If in your heart you know you did the best that you could do, then hold your head up high, smile and move forward. Furthermore, always consider yourself to be a work-in-progress. We are students for the rest of our lives and our learning never stops. There is always something new that we can learn that will assist us in our day-to-day lives. Lastly, always do your best to spread love and happiness. There is no greater feeling than being responsible for someone else’s smile.

Favourite KPU moment? My favorite Kwantlen moment is graduating from the university.

What's currently on your iPod? Bollywood music.