
Name:  Nina Sandhu

Nina Sandhu

Kwantlen program: Diploma in General Business Studies

Grad Year: 2010

Employed as: Controller at Kintec Footlabs Inc.

Employer website:

What are your primary responsibilities at your job:

My primary responsibilities are:

  • Oversee full cycle accounting (QuickBooks), AR/AP, banking and deposits
  • Manage and supervise the Accounting Department
  • Recruit and train new accounting staff
  • Manage four subsidiary companies' accounting and financial reporting
  • Payroll for 80-100 employees, payroll tax remittances/ROE/T4
  • Financial statement analysis and financial/ managerial reporting
  • Complete month-end journal entries and balance sheet G/L account reconciliation
  • Responsible for tax remittances, managing investment and loan reports and year-end preparation

What is your favourite part of your work?

Working with balance sheet reconciliations and preparation/analysis of financial statements along with recruiting and training new accounting staff. When I analyze balance sheet accounts, looking to see where, how or why the numbers have increased or decreased from a previous year is like a doctor examining a patient on how or where the health issue is rising. It's fun working with numbers and creating financial reports for Kintec's executives and managers. Also, I have the opportunity to recruit and train new accounting staff members, which brings diversity within my role. I enjoy teaching others and seeing them grow in the field of accounting.

How do you like to unwind/handle stress?

I have various ways of unwinding and handling stress. I love running, especially on an early Sunday morning when it is so peaceful outside. I usually run three times a week. Also, I do meditation, stretching and reading books before going to bed. It seriously helps in calming the mind down after a long day working with numbers.

Who is the most famous person you've ever met?

Bryan Adams, who is my favourite music artist. It was a birthday gift from my brother.

If you had a time machine and could have lunch with anyone living or dead, who would it be?

J.K. Rowling and Oprah Winfrey. They are two inspirational women and they inspire me. It is so amazing what they have done in their lives. J.K. Rowling taught me to never give up on my goals. One day, failures will lead to success. Oprah Winfrey gave me courage, motivation and empowerment as an individual.

Where does your inspiration come from?

As mentioned above, those two powerful women. In addition, I believe everyone who walks into our lives teaches us something. My friends, professors, co-workers and family who came into and walked out of my life all left a part of them with me and taught me various lessons. Finally, I would say my dad has given me excellent inspiration. He has always encouraged me to be progressive in life and not to sit idle, to never give up in what you believe in.

Where do you see yourself in one, five or 10 years?

In one year, since I'm a runner, I can see myself completing a full marathon. Also, I see myself completing the competent leadership program with Toastmasters. Being part of Toastmasters, in five years I see myself completing the advanced communicator bronze and silver programs.Ten years is too far away to say.

What are you most proud of?

Following my intuition and not giving up. By following my intuition, I have met my goals such as receiving a diploma at KPU, running a half marathon and being awarded an achievement award for being the most valuable volunteer of the year in 1999. Also, I recently received the most valuable player at head office at Kintec Footlabs Inc. The key is set goals, work toward them and never give up, even if roadblocks happen.

In addition, I am proud that I joined a Toastmasters Club, since it allowed me to express myself and develop ideas. Now, I really enjoy giving speeches that inspire, motivate and teach others. With that said, I had the opportunity to give a speech in front of the entire Kintec Footlabs Inc.’s employees.

Greatest advice for life?

This is part of a speech I did in one of my Toastmasters’ meetings and it’s advice I like to share:

Don’t let failure defeat you and don’t quit. The key to success is by failure. Individuals are afraid to fail. Once they fail, they give up. Don't be afraid of failure. It is part of us. It makes us stronger inside. We learn from failing by taking steps that will lead to our ultimate success and goal. Give yourself permission to fail and learn to take steps on improving.

A goal is like climbing a mountain. You climb a mountain slowly but there are periods as you climb when you may fall or hurt yourself. You could be in pain. You have a choice here of either quitting due to your injury or to continue climbing by learning to take the right steps on the mountain. If you continue, you will eventually reach the top and accomplish your mission. Never give up on your goals.

Favourite Kwantlen moment?

When I was in my negotiation course and the professor said this one statement that left an impact on me: He said that most people, when they turn 80 and reflect back on what they have done, they live with statements such as, “I should have done...” They live with regrets. The professor taught us to live in the moment, do something passionate and do what your intuition says, otherwise we, too, will be living with statements like, “I should have…”

What's the last book you read?

The last book I read was Wonder by R.J. Palacio. I was reading this book to my son. It teaches about bullying and that everyone is unique and special. The other book I read is Mindful Leadership by Maria Gonzalez. This book gives a totally different perspective on building leadership skills. I enjoyed reading it so much that I gave a speech on mindful leadership to my Toastmasters Club.