Alumna Spotlight

Michele Hopkins
Name: Michelle Hopkins

Kwantlen Program: Journalism

Grad Year: April 2000

Employed as: Freelance journalist

Employer website: Too many to say

What are your primary responsibilities at your job:  Pitching story ideas, taking on assignments, interviewing, writing and rewriting.

What is your favourite part of your work? I really enjoy interviewing people with interesting tales to tell.

What three tools do you use the most for work? Because I also write about food and travel, I use the Internet, Instagram and Twitter quite a bit.

How do you like to unwind/handle stress? I head outside for a good walk/hike or I work out with weights.

Who is the most famous person you've ever met? That is a tossup between award-winning producer David Foster and actress Shirley MacLaine.

If you had a time machine and could have lunch with anyone living or dead, who would it be? It would be Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I would ask Dr. King who or what influenced him to become an activist and how did he come up with the "I have a dream speech."

Where does your inspiration come from? I'm curious about people and I'm especially inspired by those who are doing extraordinary things to help others in need. In addition, journalism is like being in school every day and that in itself is inspiring.

Where do you see yourself in one, five or 10 years? I hope to continue writing stories that people want to read.

What are you most proud of? The three humanitarian trips - to Honduras, Thailand and Morocco - I've taken part in and written about. I'm proud of a series of features I wrote while covering Richmond Secondary's Global Perspectives volunteer trip to Morocco.

Greatest advice for life? Be kind, be grateful, take time for yourself and never forget to tell the people you love how much you do love them.

Favourite Kwantlen moment? There are many … the great instructors who gave generously of their time to this mature student. The student bonds formed. However, the most memorable moment is a toss up between "finally" impressing my photography instructor, who once sent me on assignment to work on a dairy farm for the day and gave me an A+ for my photo essay, and graduating with distinction.

What's the last book you read? James Patterson's thriller, Cross Justice.

What is your favourite reality TV show? The Voice. I started watching it with my mother one evening and was instantly hooked