Alumni Highlight of the Month

Darcy Green
Name: Darcy Green

Kwantlen Program: Bachelor of Arts – Psychology

Grad Year: 2014

Employed as: Founder of Drizzle Environmental Society & Sales & Marketing Associate at Potluck Café Society

Employer website: &

What have you done since leaving Kwantlen?

I founded Drizzle Environmental Society last year and we are a very small team of volunteers, so I have my hands in pretty much every aspect of the organization from marketing, to administration and program development. Our goal is to empower youth to become more involved in environmentalism and encourage them to spend more time outdoors. So far, it has been an amazing journey and has become a key part of my life.

I also work as the Sales and Marketing Associate at Potluck Café Society on Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. Potluck is a charity that provides jobs and on-the-job training to individuals with barriers to employment, and provides nutritious food to some of the most nutritionally vulnerable area residents. The society owns Potluck Café and Catering, a social enterprise catering company from which the proceeds help fund the organization’s charitable programs.


What is your favourite part of your work?

I love knowing that my work truly makes a positive difference in the world. By the time I graduated from Kwantlen, I knew I wanted to work in the non-profit and social impact sector. I want to know that I’m changing the world a little bit each day.


How do you like to unwind/handle stress?

No matter how busy I am, I always find time to relax. Drizzle Society runs an outdoors club that hikes every week or two from March-October, so that gives me time to relax and spend some time outdoors! Aside from that, I play guitar, play the occasional video game, and spend time with friends and my amazing family.


Who is the most famous person you've ever met?

I’ve met some very cool and inspirational people over the last few years, including all the Vancouver Whitecaps players when I worked there as a Media Relations Intern in 2013. I also had the chance to meet several public figures, such as Chris Hadfield, former Secretary General of the United Nations Kofi Annan, and founder of Free the Children Craig Kielburger at We Day Vancouver as a volunteer over the past three years.


Where does your inspiration come from?

I can always see a better future for our world. I get most inspired by other people working on great ideas to help benefit society as a whole.


What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of the work we have done at Drizzle Society so far. Just last year, it was a small idea developed by a group of people at a Starbucks. Now, we have people around the world participating in our initiatives. It’s been amazing and I’m so proud of everyone who has been involved so far!


Greatest advice for life?

Never give up. Even if you feel like you are lacking motivation to continue, search out inspiration to keep you going.


Favourite Kwantlen moment?

My favourite Kwantlen moment would have been being introduced to the non-profit sector through Larissa Petrillo’s NGO classes. Her classes inspired me to get into the social impact sector and stands out as a major shift in my career path.


Anything else you want Kwantlen alumni to know?

Potluck’s annual fundraising concert featuring Barney Bentall & The Cariboo Express is taking place on Saturday, November 28th at the Vogue Theatre in Vancouver. It is our major fundraiser each year and each ticket purchased helps fund our community programs. GO BUY TICKETS!