Call for Proposals - Teaching and Learning Dialogues Conference

1st International Teaching and Learning Dialogues Conference


Teaching and Learning Dialogues: Practice, Share, Publish
Share your ideas about classroom practices.

June 9-10, 2016
Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Richmond Campus, Richmond, BC, Canada

We welcome your proposals related to teaching, learning, scholarship in one or more of the following areas:

  • Classroom
  • Laboratory
  • Field
  • Work environments
  • Culture
  • Feedback and assessment
  • Other areas will be considered

Some Ideas to get you started:

  • A topic on which you have published in Transformative Dialogues or elsewhere
  • A success or challenge you face in your teaching or learning practice
  • Practice and/or theory

Proposal types: (you may submit one or two of the following)

A.  45-minute interactive session
Include a brief descriptive title, and a 200 word description that will be included in the online program. Speak directly to participants, describing the value of the session, how they will be involved, and what will be achieved by the end of the session. If you cite references, include them at the end as References Cited (not part of the word count). Aim for 1-2 references only.

B.  Poster session

Aim to create a lightweight poster, dimensions of your choosing. Posters will be affixed to the wall with double-sided tape that we will supply.
Include a brief descriptive title, and a 200 word description that will be included in the online program. Speak directly to participants, describing the value of the poster, and a clear take-home message! If you cite references, include them at the end as References Cited (not part of the word count). Aim for 1-2 references only.

C.  Draft paper and associated short snapper session

This is something you (with or without colleagues) are working on, that has not been published (but you would like it to be).
Everyone who submits a draft paper will both give and receive feedback to peers. Your draft will be shared with others. This includes reading ahead of time, preparing notes and providing facilitated feedback on June 10.
Aim for 2000-4000 words,, including all that you would include in a published paper – Title, abstract, key words, Introduction, Other appropriate subheadings, References Cited

You must be registered for the conference to present. Register here:

Submitting your proposal

  • Before day’s end, April 15, 2016.
  • Subject heading:  Your family name followed by TD conference, e.g. Cassidy TD conference
  • Send a word document to Include your name(s) and affiliations below the title as you would like them to appear in the online program.


Call for Reviewers
Deadlines at a Glance
Schedule at a Glance
Sessions to Date
Travel to KPU
Main Conference page