Alumni Spotlight

Gagag feb 2017

Name: Gagan Jutla       

KPU Program: Bachelors in Business Administration, Accounting Co-op

Grad Year: 2015

Employed as: Senior Accountant, Grant Thornton LLP

Employer website:   

What are your primary responsibilities at your job: As a senior accountant, my responsibilities are to lead audit engagement and be the go-to contact person for the audit team and the client. My clients vary from public and private companies to not-for-profits. Along with leading the audit team, I am responsible for any complex accounting issues under the International Financial Reporting Standards.

What is your favourite part of your work? My favorite part of the job is the fact that I am always challenged. There is so much to learn and there is so much opportunity to grow as a professional. I love being able to connect with clients and see how these successful companies operate and turn a profit.

How do you like to unwind/handle stress? The best way to unwind/handle stress is to play sports. I love to play recreational sports such as basketball, badminton, and squash. I am also a big car and tech guy, so any opportunity I get to play around with a car or some new technology I take.

Who is the most famous person you've ever met? There is no one single person that comes to mind, I have met a number of sports athletes, such as Canuck players and UFC fighters.

If you had a time machine and could have lunch with anyone living or dead, who would it be? If I had a time machine, I would go back and have lunch with my grandfather who passed away last year. I had a lot to tell him and a lot to learn from him and truly miss him.

Where does your inspiration come from? Growing up I have seen my parents work very hard to give my brother and I a path to success. My inspiration comes from my parents, no matter what I may be dealing with, I know that for a fact it is nothing in comparison to what my parents had to deal with. I work hard to be successful, not only to make them proud but to also be able to provide them a life full of relaxation in the coming years. The years of them working hard are past them, it is time for me to work hard.

Where do you see yourself in one, five or 10 years? In one year, I see my having completed my Masters in Professional Accounting and having successfully written my CFE for my CPA designation. In five years, I see myself as a Manager, with Grant Thornton LLP and in ten years, I see myself as a partner with Grant Thornton LLP.

What are you most proud of? I am most proud of the success and hard work of my girlfriend. Being in the health care industry, not only does she work with passion and dedication but she saves lives. The pressure, stress and work conditions she works in can be challenging and watching her succeed and work hard is an inspiration. I am whole heartedly proud of her.

Greatest advice for life? The greatest advice for life is that life is not a race. It is important to take it slow and enjoy every moment. The memories you make are with you for a lifetime. When you are truly content and happy, success will follow.

Favourite KPU moment? My favorite KPU moment was during my first co-op with the KPU Career Services Office. My responsibility was to help organize Career Day, an event put on by KPU to bring employers to the campus and give students an insight into different industries and employment options. The theme for this event was Lego as it stemmed from the phrase “build your career”. I was able to hire a professional Lego builder to come to the campus and perform a massive Lego build to promote the event.

What's the last book you read? The Harry Potter series. I’m a big fan of the series and nothing beats a good re-read of the entire series.

What's currently on your iPod? My iPod is full of a little bit of everything, from Rap to Rock, I like all different genres of music.