Alumni Spotlight

Michela Fiorido
Name: Michela Fiorido

Program: BA Criminology

Grad Year: 2010

Employed as: Lawyer

Employer website:

What are your primary responsibilities at your job? I primarily work in privacy law which means my main responsibilities include responding to and advising on access to information requests. As I work for a large boutique workplace law firm, I also do a bit of labour, human rights and employment law. 

What is your favourite part of your work? Helping clients – it feels good to place people at ease and handle their legal problems when they may not know where to begin dealing with them. 

How do you like to unwind/handle stress? As an ex-varsity athlete at Kwantlen, sports have definitely carried on into my life as a lawyer. Throughout the year I play in soccer, basketball, volleyball, hockey and softball leagues. I like looking forward to a sport almost every evening after work.

Who is the most famous person you've ever met? I used to be a security guard so I’ve met a lot of famous people including Lil’ Wayne, Ace of Base, Roberto Luongo and Nicki Minaj, among many others.

If you had a time machine and could have lunch with anyone living or dead, who would it be? Michael Jordan.

Where does your inspiration come from? The people around me working hard, whether it’s my teammates, coworkers or friends.

Where do you see yourself in one, five or 10 years? I hate this question I never know how to answer it!

What are you most proud of? That I’ve managed to have a very full life outside of my job.

Greatest advice for life? Always be yourself because you will end up exactly where you’re supposed to be surrounded by the right people.

Favourite KPU moment? So many! Playing sports for KPU was so rewarding and to this day some of my basketball and soccer teammates remain my best friends. If I had to pick a favourite moment it would be either beating Vancouver Island University 1-0 to make soccer provincials in my third year, or that time we dressed the rookies up in ridiculous clothes and made them wear the outfits all the way to Prince George for our game that weekend. 

What's the last book you read? Saving your life one day at a time: seven ways to survive the modern world, by Roy Sugarman. It’s a must read if you have a sedentary office job.

What's currently on your iPod? An impressive 90s rap music collection and all the best summer country hits.