Alumni Spotlight

Kevin Skrepnek
Name: Kevin Skrepnek

KPU Program: Public Relations

Grad Year: 2012

Employed as: Chief Fire Information Officer for the BC Wildfire Service

Employer website: 


What are your primary responsibilities at your job?

I lead a team who works to ensure the public, media, stakeholders and the rest of government is informed about wildfire activity throughout the province. One of my most visible tasks is being the main spokesperson for the Wildfire Service, but many others tasks happen in the background as well.


What is your favourite part of your work?

I work with an incredible group of people who come together and do meaningful, important work. It’s working with people like that that keeps me going.


How do you like to unwind/handle stress?

Unplugging from my technology and enjoying some time outdoors. A generous portion of red wine helps, too.


Who is the most famous person you've ever met?

In my role with BCWS I’ve met Premiers Christy Clark and John Horgan, as well as Stephen Harper and Prince Edward. No Trudeau yet!


If you had a time machine and could have lunch with anyone living or dead, who would it be?

I think breaking bread (and sipping a drink) with Winston Churchill would be fascinating.


Where does your inspiration come from?

I do truly believe in public service. Being able to help people during hard times is very meaningful and inspiring to me.


Where do you see yourself in one, five or 10 years?

Once you have worked in emergency response, it’s hard to imagine doing communications anywhere else. I definitely doubt I would see myself in a corporate-type role any time soon. I would, eventually, like do some post-secondary instructing.


What are you most proud of?

In the midst of this fire season, I had a baby daughter born (on July 22) here in Kamloops. I’m pretty darn proud of her already.


Greatest advice for life?

You can find humour in any situation, no matter how bad it may be.


Favourite KPU moment?

Let’s face it: it was a real game-changer when the Richmond campus got a Tim Hortons.


What's the last book you read?

I’m a big Douglas Coupland fan and highly recommend his work (especially for anyone who shares my love for Vancouver), but I’m currently reading “Born to Run”, Bruce Springsteen’s autobiography.


Any other interesting facts or accomplishments?

I’ve continued my education at the Justice Institute of BC and am about to finish a Certificate in Emergency Management there.