Career Services and Support

Whether just starting out, thinking about making a career move or simply finding it difficult to connect with potential employers and new opportunities, Kwantlen Career Services provides alumni with invaluable life-long career exploration support. For more information visit Career Services or call 604.599.3401.

Job Posting System

From nursing to communications, automotive and horticulture, Kwantlen graduates are sought after in every industry and business sector. Career Services' online Job Posting System is an essential job searching tool made available to alumni throughout their entire working life. Sign up and begin searching employment opportunities today.

Resume Writing and Interview Workshops

Career Services offers alumni free resume writing and interview workshops. Choose from a list of convenient dates and times.

Career Days

Kwantlen's annual Career Day is a free career and employment fair for all Kwantlen Polytechnic University students, Kwantlen alumni, faculty and staff. It takes place each spring and is an excellent opportunity to make valuable industry contacts, gather information, hear about job leads and practice promoting yourself. In addition, you can ask questions about job qualifications, hiring practices, application processes and industry trends. Details on this year's fair.