Hire a KPU student

Whether you are in a hiring role, influence decisions, or the resourceful person that brings valuable tactical ideas to your team, hiring a co-op student may be the perfect resource for you.  Read Andriana's story below and discover how she saved thousands of dollars for her work term employer!

When Andriana McConkey was beginning her post-secondary studies, accounting was a natural fit.

“Mathematical concepts always came easily to me, and I wanted a career that wasn’t subject to economic fluctuations. That was accounting.”

She enrolled in co-op with the goal of developing marketable skills, building professional networks, and learning how to market herself.

“I found a lot of support, encouragement, and guidance from my co-op instructors. They took the time to listen and find out what I was looking for.”

As an accounting co-op student, McConkey put her skills to the test, completing an analysis project which was reviewed by upper management of the organization she was working at, including the president and vice president of the company. Her project ultimately provided the necessary support for the organization to receive a larger rebate from one of their suppliers to the tune of $40,000 in savings.

With a deeper understanding of workplace culture and how in class theories apply to the real world, McConkey says she’s now more determined than ever to complete her bachelor of business administration and wants to go on to pursue her Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation.

Hire a student like Andriana to work for you!  Co-op students are available from a variety of co-op supported programs and we are currently accepting job postings for January start dates.  Contact the co-op office today to find out more or submit a job posting.  Email co-op@kpu.ca or call 604.599.2465.