Archived Activities

Open Educational Resource universitas: Collaboration and Transformation - June 20, 2014

Irwin DeVries, Director of Curriculum Development, Open Learning Division, Thompson Rivers University provided an overview of the OERu's philosophy and logic model and shared his team's lessons in creating a fully open Art appreciation course. PDF icon OERu_DeVries.pdf

Open Textbook Roundtable - May 29, 2014

A group of interested faculty and staff met to share stories of how they are using or planning to use open educational resources. Our notes and resources are available on our wiki: 

Open Textbook Summit - April 16-17, 2014

Open textbooks photo

Diane Salter presented with Kate Cotie, Director, Strategic Policy and Initiatives, Ministry of Advanced Education
File Slide Presentation: K_Cotie_D_Salter_Open_Textbook_Summit-1.pptx

For more information, please visit the Open Textbook Summit Website