Committee Overview: Arts Research and Scholarship Committee


The Arts Research and Scholarship Committee (ARSC) promotes research and scholarship among Arts faculty and students. ARSC makes recommendations to Faculty Council regarding how research and scholarship may be facilitated in support of the Faculty’s mission, educational goals, objectives, and priorities. It also advises AFC regarding research-related matters requiring AFC approval. ARSC is faculty-led with representatives from many Arts faculties.


  • The Dean or an Associate Dean
  • The Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson of Faculty Council
  • Seven members of the Faculty, including at least one member of Faculty Council, and one past or present member of the Research Ethics Board
  • One student representative

Faculty representatives serve three-year terms.

Current Chair: Dr. Daniel Bernstein(Psychology) –


ARSC normally meets once per month, on Thursdays (excluding July and August).

A Year in Review

ARSC focused on two priorities in 2019-2020. These were the Arts Speaker Series and the White Paper on Research and Scholarship.



  • ARSC delivered another successful Arts Speaker Series this year, featuring 9 talks from 8 different Arts faculty areas. President Alan Davis gave the first talk of the Series. Average attendance overall was good: The Series drew, on average, about 40 people per talk. Attendees were a mix of students, faculty, staff, and administration. Talks occurred in the Surrey Boardroom and in Surrey campus’ Spruce Atrium.
  • The 2020-2021 Arts Speaker Series has 10 talks scheduled. All talks will occur virtually to accommodate COVID-19. The talks span 8 different faculty areas, and will include two panel discussions.
  • ARSC devoted most of its meetings this year to the White Paper on Research and Scholarship. Several ARSC members attended one or more Arts Faculty Council (AFC) meetings to discuss the White Paper, culminating in AFC’s endorsement of several key points in the White Paper. Science and Horticulture Faculty Council endorsed the entire White Paper.

 Looking Ahead

Heading into the Fall of 2021, ARSC will continue to focus on its two top priorities: the Arts Speaker Series and the White Paper on Research and Scholarship.