
Gavin Paul

B. Mgt. (Leth.), B.A. (Leth.), M.A. (U.B.C.), Ph.D. (U.B.C.)


My primary research interests centre on Shakespeare, early modern drama, editorial practice, and performance history. My work in these areas has appeared in numerous journals, including The Review of English Studies, Shakespeare: The Journal of the British Shakespeare Association, The Bulletin for the Society of Renaissance Studies, Comitatus, The Upstart Crow, and Literature Compass (where I am the three-time winner of Blackwell Publishing’s Essay Prize).

My doctoral thesis analyzing the history of Shakespearean editors’ engagements with performance won the Paul G. Stanwood Prize from UBC and the J. Leeds Barroll Dissertation Prize from the Shakespeare Association of America–this international prize is awarded in recognition of the year’s outstanding work in Shakespeare studies. This work became my first book: Shakespeare and the Imprints of Performance (Palgrave, 2014). I am currently working on a book-length study of the performance history of Shakespeare and Middleton’s Timon of Athens (Manchester University Press), and, with Anthony Dawson, I am editing the Internet Shakespeare Edition of Macbeth.

Courses taught

  • English 1100: Introduction to University Writing
  • English 1202: Reading and Writing about Selected Topics

Areas of Interest

Shakespeare; Early Modern Drama and Literature; Contemporary Fiction; Graphic Novels; Literary Responses to 9/11