Routine Request
A routine request pertains to:
- Public Information
- Personal Information about the requestor
Routine requests can be handled directly by contacting the originating department.
Formal Request
A formal request pertains to:
- Non-public information
- Personal information about someone other than the requestor
- Information about third parties
The following outlines the formal request process:
Formal FIPPA requests must be in writing. This form may be used to initiate requests: Request for Access to Records.
1. All formal requests must be submitted to the Manager, Information Access and Privacy. Contact information is listed below:
Manager, Information Access and Privacy
12666 72nd Avenue
Surrey, BC V3W 2M8
Fax: 604.599.3344
Describe the records you want in as much detail as possible and limit your request to only the records you need. The more general or complex your request is the longer it will take to process and the greater the fees that may apply.
The requestor will receive an acknowledgment of receipt of the request with the assigned deadline and information regarding how the matter will proceed.
If the request involves external business interests or could potentially compromise the personal privacy of another individual, the 3rd party involved may be given 20 working days to give consent of disclosure or make a representation as to why the information should not be disclosed. The 30 day time limit will then be tolled from the date of the 3rd Party Notice.
FIPPA provides you with access to your own personal information free of charge, however access to all other information may be subject to fees. Charges are based primarily on time spent searching and retrieving records; however, FIPPA provides that the first three hours of search and retrieval time are free of charge. Each additional hour is charged at the rate prescribed in the Regulations (FOIPOP Fee Regulations). Photocopy charges apply.
The coordinator contacts the applicable department to conduct a search for documents responsive to the request. The department(s) identifies and retrieves the records in a timely manner. Where records do not exist the department contacts the coordinator with an explanation.