Student Supplies:
- Canvas Stretcher bars X 4 approx. 12 X 15 inches ( do not buy before day 1)
- 3 meters white cotton sheeting, washed
- Brushes, water colour type, 1 round and 1 flat ( go for good quality medium priced brushes not dollar store brushes)
- Old towel about small bath size, not hand towels
- Package of plastic sheeting: from the paint store (drop sheet)
- Apron full body covering
- Scissors
- Chemical resistant gloves
- Sewing thread and sewing needles
- Kitchen twine (dollar store) (cotton not jute)
- A bag of marbles or other glass "pebbles" from a dollar store
- Plastic wrc;1p (Saran Wrap )
- Large zip lock bags: one box
- A collection of plastic bags
- 6-8 plastic containers with lids (yogurt style containers: shorter containers)
- 1mages for silkscreen ( do not concern yourself with this before day 1)
- Binder-1 inch for notes, histories and recipes
- One skein white 100% wool ( Maiwa on Granville Island- Cascade wool-merino)