Greetings for May 2014

Many people have asked me over the years why I have been so passionately committed and involved with KPU (myself included) and the answer is not as simple as “it’s a place to volunteer.” KPU is where I feel like I belong. Although it is one of four educational institutions at which I have studied, I feel most connected with and most indebted to KPU. I have been so fortunate to have found great mentorship at KPU through faculty and administration as well as the opportunity to mentor and share with students and future students. I have hired and worked with some of the most talented individuals who are graduates of many of the programs at KPU (I am determined to work with someone from each program at some point.) and have seen the results of what a KPU education offers. I guess the answer of why I give back to KPU is that KPU has given me so much and it just feels “right.”

My vision for the KPUAA is simple: I want to see all KPU graduates find a way to stay connected and continue to give and receive all that there is to offer from KPU.

I hope to meet you all at one of the upcoming alumni events.