To indicate your interest in available positions, please forward your resume, including photocopies
of post secondary transcripts, quoting the appropriate competition number to:
Please submit a separate resume for each competition to which you are applying. Ensure you have clearly marked each resume with the appropriate competition number.
Last updated: April 17, 2015
PSYCHOLOGY INSTRUCTORS – Competition Number 15-18
PSYCHOLOGY INSTRUCTOR– Competition Number 15-50
PSYCHOLOGY INSTRUCTOR– Competition Number 15-51
PSYCHOLOGY INSTRUCTORS – Competition Number 15-18
The Psychology Department at Kwantlen Polytechnic University invites applications from candidates with expertise in all areas and at all levels of undergraduate instruction. Candidates with a Ph.D (or ABD) in Psychology, or an area approved by the Psychology Department will be considered. Preference will be given to applicants with a track record of quality instruction at the post-secondary level.
Those who are interested in applying can find further information on our courses by visiting our website at:
A complete application includes: a letter of interest that provides a brief explanation of your qualifications for each course you are interested in being qualified to teach; a current curriculum vitae; copies of transcripts of all degrees; a statement of teaching philosophy; evidence of teaching success (including course evaluations); and a list of three professional referees able to comment on your teaching ability and academic accomplishments.
Please email your application quoting competition number 15-18 by July 1, 2015 to:
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
PSYCHOLOGY INSTRUCTOR– Competition Number 15-50
The Psychology Department at Kwantlen Polytechnic University invites applications for a 100% non-regular type 2 (temporary) faculty position to provide coverage for one year beginning on September 1, 2015. The courses associated with this position will be taught across two terms: Fall 2015 term (September-December) and Spring 2016 term (January-April).
The courses to be taught will include:
- Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 2375 Perception
- PSYC 2385 Cognition
- PSYC 3800 Evolutionary Psychology
- PSYC 3950 Cognitive Ergonomics
Candidates should have a track-record of quality teaching in the area of Cognitive Psychology and must be ABD or have a PhD in Psychology or an area approved by the Search Committee.
Those who are interested in applying can find further information on our courses by visiting our website at:
The Psychology Department at KPU offers a Bachelor of Applied Arts in Psychology, a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, and a Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology.
KPU provides a unique undergraduate university environment serving communities in the South Fraser region. Our university degrees and applied credentials successfully meet the evolving needs of regional and global employment markets. KPU students have a unique opportunity to integrate (or bridge) their certificate and diploma credentials to complete a bachelor’s degree at KPU, creating the best of both worlds — undergraduate studies and the professional enhancement of applied programs. KPU's Office of Research and Scholarship and research institutes assist faculty and students in their efforts to produce innovative research relevant to the communities we serve.
A complete application includes current curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching philosophy, evidence of undergraduate teaching success, copies of sample course syllabi/outlines, sample of research/publication, copies of transcripts of all degrees, and a list of three professional referees able to comment on your teaching ability and academic accomplishments. Short-listed applicants will be required to provide copies of original transcripts.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Please email your application, quoting competition number 15-50 by May 1, 2015 to:
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
PSYCHOLOGY INSTRUCTOR– Competition Number 15-51
The Psychology Department at Kwantlen Polytechnic University invites applications for a 100% non-regular type 2 (temporary) faculty position to provide coverage for one year beginning on September 1, 2015. The courses associated with this position will be taught across two terms: Fall 2015 term (September-December) and Summer 2016 term (May-August).
The courses to be taught may include:
- Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 2400 Experimental Psychology: Research Methods
- PSYC 2320 Developmental Psychology: Childhood
- PSYC 2321 Developmental Psychology: Adolescence
Candidates should have a track-record of quality teaching in the areas of Developmental Psychology and Research Methodology and must be ABD or have a PhD in Psychology or an area approved by the Search Committee.
Those who are interested in applying can find further information on our courses by visiting our website at:
The Psychology Department at KPU offers a Bachelor of Applied Arts in Psychology, a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, and a Bachelor of Science in Applied Psychology.
KPU provides a unique undergraduate university environment serving communities in the South Fraser region. Our university degrees and applied credentials successfully meet the evolving needs of regional and global employment markets. KPU students have a unique opportunity to integrate (or bridge) their certificate and diploma credentials to complete a bachelor’s degree at KPU, creating the best of both worlds — undergraduate studies and the professional enhancement of applied programs. KPU's Office of Research and Scholarship and research institutes assist faculty and students in their efforts to produce innovative research relevant to the communities we serve.
A complete application includes current curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching philosophy, evidence of undergraduate teaching success, copies of sample course syllabi/outlines, sample of research/publication, copies of transcripts of all degrees, and a list of three professional referees able to comment on your teaching ability and academic accomplishments. Short-listed applicants will be required to provide copies of original transcripts.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Please email your application, quoting competition number 15-51 by May 1, 2015 to
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
The Faculty of Trades and Technology requires Non-regular Type 1 (contract) instructors to provide short-term substitution in our Automotive Service Technician program at our off-site location in Squamish. Instruction may extend from a single day to several weeks.
Minimum qualifications include a Certificate of Apprenticeship, Red Seal Interprovincial Accreditation and eight years current, relevant and related industry experience as an Automotive Service Technician. The knowledge and ability to communicate effectively with students is essential. Preference will be given to those applicants with a demonstrated record of teaching successfully, current automotive service technician’s skills and two years supervisory experience. The successful applicant will be required to have a criminal record check done.
Please forward your resume, including photocopies of documentation of required certification, quoting competition number 15-63 by April 21, 2015 to:
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
The Faculty of Trades and Technology is currently seeking a regular full-time Millwright instructor to provide instruction in the Foundation and/or Apprenticeship programs, commencing approximately May 22, 2015.
Minimum Qualifications include a Certificate of Apprenticeship, Red Seal Interprovincial Accreditation and eight years current and relevant, related industry experience as a Millwright/Industrial Mechanic Journeyperson. Also required is the knowledge and ability to communicate effectively with students. Preference will be given to those applicants with a demonstrated record of teaching successfully.
Please forward your resume, including photocopies of documentation of required certification, quoting competition number 15-64 by April 21, 2015 to:
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.