Kwantlen Polytechnic University - Co-operative Education



Graduating with strong
academic skills and
real work experience makes sense.


Add a Co-op option to your program! 

Co-operative Education (Co-op) integrates periods of on-campus study with periods of paid, career-related work experience. It provides you with the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to on-the-job experiences. In addition to the work experience, co-op students attend Co-op courses learning the art of writing market ready resumes and cover letters, the latest skills in interviewing as well as how to reflect and learn from your work through writing a report, creating a video or making a presentation.

Co-op programs offer many advantages including:

  • Co-op students often are able to plan their career paths better as they test their learning, aptitudes and interests on the job.
  • Personal growth and development are greatly enhanced through the experience and working closely with Co-op Instructors from beginning to end.
  • Earn money during a work semester to defray your tuition costs.
  • Eight to twelve months of work experience, helps you acquire key specialty skills.
  • Many graduates find full-time employment with their Co-op employers.
  • Co-op graduates' starting salaries tend to be higher than those for graduates from traditional programs without co-op.

Information Sessions

Information Sessions are held on various campuses throughout the year. We will provide students with useful information including the application process, which courses to register for, and what to expect while working during a Co-op work term. To register for a session go to the Information Sessions page.

Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions

Are students guaranteed jobs?

We work extremely hard to develop jobs for students to apply for. We coach our Co-op students in resume and cover letter writing and interview skills to prepare them for the job search and interview process. Most students who apply for numerous jobs and work with the instructor are hired; however, we can’t guarantee a placement. It is up to students to apply to jobs throughout the semester and create strong job search applications.

What are the requirements to enter Co-op?

Each Co-op program has different requirements.For details on each program visit our Co-op Programs page,

What are the advantages of Co-op?

  • Gain related work experience in your field of study that helps you acquire key specialty skills and clarify your career and educational goals and interests before you graduate.
  • Earn money during a work semester to defray your tuition costs.
  • Many graduates find full-time employment with their Co-op employers.
  • As a Co-op graduate starting salaries tend to be higher than those for graduates from traditional programs without Co-op.
  • Personal growth and development are greatly enhanced through the experience and working closely with Co-op Instructors from beginning to end.

When and where is COOP 1101 offered?

COOP 1101 is offered at Richmond, Surrey and Langley campuses in various semesters throughout the year. COOP 1101 is typically one 2 hour class a week for 8 weeks. Visit Kwantlen’s timetable to see when classes are offered for an upcoming semester.

What if I miss the deadline to apply to Co-op?

You can apply again the next semester.Visit the following link to Apply to Co-op.
For all of the FAQs, please click here.