Kwantlen University 2013-14 Calendar | Plant Health: Bachelor of Horticulture Science Major


The new Bachelor of Horticulture Science program is an interdisciplinary program that combines horticulture, business, mathematics, biology, chemistry and student selected general education requirements. Students will combine the science and practice of horticulture to resolve community, industry, or research related problems. Innovation and creative thinking are important essential skills that students gain through their involvement in research and course specific projects. A major program theme is the relationship between horticulture, our communities and our environment. The influence of culture, society, and economics on the practice of sustainable horticulture is extremely important.

The Bachelor of Horticulture Science program has the following strengths:

  • Customized education through the selection of electives that support learner educational goals
  • Laddering within the School of Horticulture programs and articulation with other horticulture programs in BC to support lifelong learning
  • Emphasis on the economic, environmental, and social components of sustainability
  • Strong connections with the horticulture industry and community groups
  • Development of essential skills such as teamwork, creative thinking, problem solving, and communication
  • Capstone research courses which include a business plan and the application of new skills to a community based issue
  • Required work experience in the first two years and in the community based project during the 4th year

Plant Health students address the impacts of plant dysfunction on the local, regional, and international practice of horticulture. The recognition of plant health, the diagnosis of poor plant performance, and the analysis of plant health programs form the core educational goals. Of interest is that students will explore the impacts of weeds, pests, and diseases as well as the impact of pest management tactics on the environment. A unique feature of the program is the recognition of horticulture as part international trade and the impact of pests and diseases on the movement of plants and plant products around the globe.

Students may have the opportunity to engage in international studies. Recently students participated in a three month exchange to Cuba where they worked on a range of plant health related research.

Student Profile

Individuals interested in the impacts of plant health and the management of plant health on the horticulture industry and on our own communities are encouraged to apply. This program will appeal to students who are interested in an applied science program where they will both analyze problems and implement solutions that enhance and protect our greenspaces. Students with an interest in the effects of varied societal perspectives on public policy development and the implementation of sustainable practices in urban greenspaces will find this program of value.

Students interested in the specific horticulture industry sectors of greenhouse and nursery production, landscape design and installation, or turf management will be able to complete a Diploma in Horticulture Technology as a foundation to completing the Bachelor of Horticulture Science.

Career Opportunities

Upon completing the Bachelor of Horticulture Science graduates will be qualified to compete for:

  • Technical positions in the Environmental Sector of the Economy
  • Landscape and Grounds Maintenance Contractors
  • Urban Horticulturists
  • Growers in Production Horticulture Operations
  • Plant Protection Inspectors
  • IPM specialists or managers in public or private organizations
  • Crop Consultants
  • Golf Course Superintendents
  • Technical Representatives for Horticulture or Agriculture Supply Companies
  • Parks Managers
  • Specialized Horticulture Enterprises (i.e. Green Roof Installation and Maintenance)
  • Landscape Architecture (B. Sc. Hort. as a potential qualifying program)
  • Graduate studies in Horticulture or related fields (subject to specific graduate school admission requirements)

Program Admission Requirements

In addition to Kwantlen's General university admission requirements, including the undergraduate-level English Proficiency Requirement, the following program admission requirements apply:

Year One Admission:

  • English 12 with a B grade (or equivalent)
  • Principles of Math 11 with a C grade (or equivalent)
  • Chemistry 11 with a C+ grade (or equivalent)

Year Three Admission:

  • Horticulture Technology diploma or equivalent with a Program Grade Point Average of 2.5
  • English 12 with a B or equivalent (writing the Kwantlen Polytechnic University English Placement Test is recommended if a candidate cannot meet the required minimum letter grade)
  • Principles of Math 11 with a C or equivalent
  • Chemistry 11 with a C+ or equivalent
  • General Education 6 credits
  • HORT 1110 Introduction to Sustainable Horticulture (3 credits)

Program Requirements

The Bachelor of Horticulture Science, Major in Plant Health consists of 125 credits of course work.

Horticulture Science Degree Requirements

Year 1 and Year 2

All of:
  BUSI 1205 Supervisory Skills 3 credits
  BUSI 1209 Business Management in Horticulture 3 credits
  CBSY 1105 Introductory Computer Applications 3 credits
  CMNS 1140 Introduction to Professional Communication 3 credits
  HORT 1102 Botany for Horticulture 3 credits
  HORT 1104 Soils and Growing Media 3 credits
  HORT 1110 Introduction to Sustainable Horticulture 3 credits
  HORT 1155 Introduction to Plant Identification 3 credits
  HORT 1217 Foundations of Plant Health 3 credits
  HORT 2300 Horticultural Work Experience 2 credits
Plus one of:
  HORT 2308 Landscape Pest Management 3 credits
  HORT 2333 Turfgrass Pest Management 3 credits
  HORT 2378 Production Horticulture Pests 3 credits
Plus six credits:
  General Education Elective courses (see below) 6 credits
Plus 24 credits (9 credits at the 2000 level) selected from the following list:
  HORT 1116 Introductory Equipment Maintenance 2 credits
  HORT 1122 Introduction to Landscape Practices 2 credits
  HORT 1134 Turf Maintenance Operations 2 credits
  HORT 1171 Production Practices - Fall 2 credits
  HORT 1224 Landscape Drafting 3 credits
  HORT 1230 Sustainable Turf Management 3 credits
  HORT 1240 Arboriculture I 3 credits
  HORT 1246 Plant ID for Production 1.5 credits
  HORT 1255 Plant Identification 2 1.5 credits
  HORT 1261 Plant Propagation 3 credits
  HORT 1271 Production Practices - Spring 2 credits
  HORT 2304 Grounds Machinery 2 credits
  HORT 2320 Landscape Design 1 3 credits
  HORT 2330 Turfgrass and Environmental Stress 3 credits
  HORT 2334 Irrigation, Drainage and Lighting 3 credits
  HORT 2335 Sports Turf Management Practices 2.5 credits
  HORT 2355 Plant Identification 3 3 credits
  HORT 2371 Fall Floriculture 3 credits
  HORT 2372 Greenhouse Vegetable Production 3 credits
  HORT 2375 Production Facilities and Equipment 3 credits
  HORT 2412 Landscape Estimating and Contract Administration 3 credits
  HORT 2420 Landscape Design II 3 credits
  HORT 2426 Landscape Construction 3 credits
  HORT 2436 Golf Course Management 3 credits
  HORT 2437 Golf Course Irrigation Systems, Designs, and Operations 3 credits
  HORT 2442 Arboriculture II 3 credits
  HORT 2463 Nursery Production 3 credits
  HORT 2472 Forest Crop Production 2 credits
  HORT 2473 Greenhouse Environment and its Control 3 credits
  HORT 2477 Production Management 3 credits
  HORT 2479 Spring Floriculture 3 credits
  HORT 2490 Organic Greenhouse Crop Production 3 credits

Year 3 and Year 4

All of:
  BIOL 1110 Introductory Biology I 4 credits
  ENGL 1100 Introduction to University Writing 3 credits
  ENVI 1106 Environmental Chemistry I 4 credits
  MATH 1117 Environmental Mathematics 3 credits
  HORT 4440 Vegetation Management 3 credits
  HORT 4480 Society and Horticulture 3 credits
  HORT 4810 Applied Research Project 1 3 credits
  HORT 4820 Applied Research Project 2 3 credits
  PHIL 3033 Business Ethics 3 credits
And three credits:
  General Education Elective courses (see below) 3 credits
And three credits:
  Upper level writing intensive electives courses (see below) 3 credits

Plant Health Major

In addition to the Horticulture Science Degree Requirements (above), students must complete:

All of:
  BIOL 1210 Introductory Biology II 4 credits
  MATH 1115 Statistics I 3 credits
  HORT 3310 Entomology 3 credits
  HORT 3320 Plant Pathology 3 credits
  HORT 3330 Biological Control in Pest Management 3 credits
  HORT 3360 Scouting, Monitoring, and Assessment of Pests 3 credits
  HORT 4340 Pest Management 3 credits
  HORT 4350 Environmental Effects of Plant Health Practices (under development) 3 credits
  HORT 4370 National and Global Regulatory Issues 3 credits


General Education Elective courses are courses outside the core academic discipline, in at least three different academic disciplines; and at the 1100 or higher level.

Upper level writing intensive electives courses are courses are ones in which writing instruction and recursive practice and assessment are the main focus of the course and are numbered at the 3000 or 4000 level.

Credential Awarded

Upon successful completion of this program, students are eligible to receive a Bachelor of Horticulture Science, Major in Plant Health.