Week 2: Settling in

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Congratulations! You made it through your first week at KPU! By now, you would have been introduced to essential resources, created a semester and weekly schedule, logged in to your Moodle, student email, and have activated your tutoring account. Now, let's take on week 2!

Your second week is about settling into your new classes, getting to know your instructors, and beginning to improve upon your academic skills. Make sure to prepare for each class by completing any assigned readings. Your course syllabus, which you can find on your Moodle or have received a physical copy from your instructor in class, should contain a weekly schedule of discussion topics and assigned readings. Remember to pay attention, take clear notes, ask questions, and participate in your class discussions. 


For this week, focus on: 

  • Learning how to read effectively and take better notes
  • Developing your understanding of the basics of Moodle, Mahara, Word, and Excel
  • Gaining learning strategies, such as improving your memory skills

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