Online Learning Support

Unsure of how to make the switch to being an effective online learner?  We're here to support you.  This page will provide helpful resources to support you in this transition.

Tools and Tips for Online Learning: Teach Yourself Resources. Click Here!


More Resources:

Preparing to Work from Home:  Get started with your online learning with some suggestions of how to work effectively from home.

Create a Weekly Schedule:  This template allows you to create a weekly schedule for your online learning.

Communicate in Online Forums:  Many online courses use online forums as a way to learn and share ideas.  Here's how to learn effectively if you have an online forum activity.

Preparing for Open Book Exams:  Will you be doing an open book exam this semester?  This one-page resource lets you know what to expect and how you can prepare.

Making the Move to Online Learning:  Watch this video to get started.  (View on Youtube)

Making the Move to Online Learning Video

Introduction to Big Blue Button (for students): Watch this video to learn how to access and participate in live online classes (View on Youtube)

Introduction to Big Blue Button Video Link