Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Online, LIVE
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
This info session is meant for industry partners interested in hiring KPU interns for the cohort starting mid-September 2025.
Do you have a project that never gets its turn? Would you like to tap into our pool of talented students? Please join us to learn how to hire a KPU intern through the MBSI internship program. We will provide examples of previous internship projects and we'll touch on specific details you might need to know before writing an internship description for our students. Our Work-Integrated Learning Coordinator will answer any questions related to the program, available funding, and money flow. Prospective interns are Melville students coming from a variety of business programs, a list will be provided during this informative session. With your needs in mind, we hope that at the end of this session, you will be able to formulate a strong internship work project, you will know how to submit it to us, and you will have a good understanding of our timelines and program requirements.
Questions? Please email us at