Jock Wylie

Jock Wylie, ISP (Information Systems Professional, Canadian Information Processing Society), IITP (International Information Technology Professional, CIPS) Jock admits to being a classic "computer geek". When he's not parked in front of a computer, he's a bit of an adrenaline junky. Alpine downhill skiing and mountain bike trail riding (the Need for Speed) are among his passions.

He has 30 years consulting experience with Information Systems and Internet Technology, including working 10 years with Computer Sciences Corporation, providing computer services to NASA and other U.S. government organisations .  Jock has also been an original equipment manufacturer, providing and supporting data capture systems for the oil and gas industry.

Jock Wylie served as the Chair of Computer Business Systems Department from 2000-2007.  Since September of 2008, Jock has been battling Ramsay Hunt Syndrome (  He has returned to work in the Dean's office on a part-time basis as of January, 2009 while recovering.