Kwantlen PR alumni receive prestigious industry awards

Thu, Jul 9, 2009


jenn_currie  karin_lornsen
Kwantlen PR alumni, Jenn Currie (left) and Karin Lornsen (right) receive prestigious
industry awards for academic excellence and exceptional community leadership.


For immediate release

July 10, 2009

Kwantlen PR alumni receive prestigious industry awards

(METRO VANCOUVER, B.C.) Kwantlen public relations (PR) alumni have received prestigious industry awards for academic excellence and outstanding achievements. Vancouver resident Jenn Currie received the 2009 Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS) Dean Miller Award and Karin Lornsen, a Vancouver resident, was honoured with Student Communicator of the Year by the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC).

Terri Smolar, Kwantlen PR diploma program coordinator, says “These awards prove that Kwantlen’s PR program is totally on point with the expectations of professionals in the PR industry. That is why so many Kwantlen alumni are hired right out of university. We are proud of our outstanding scholarship winners and all of our PR alumni.”

The CPRS Dean Miller Scholarship awards $1,000 annually to one deserving student who demonstrates academic excellence and leadership in the community, and is a model of a responsible, ethical and professional public relations practitioner.

“The judges found it remarkable that Currie was able to juggle so many things in her life and, at the same time, do all of them so well,” said Michael Bernard, CPRS Vancouver’s awards chair. “It is one thing to be an excellent student, as she obviously is, but to excel in the eyes of her fellow students, her community, her practicum employer and CPRS, all before she has completed her education, is really exceptional.”

The IABC Student Communicator of the Year Award recognizes an outstanding student who demonstrates excellence in the general field of communications. Based on the success of a communications project in class or at work, $500 is presented to the award recipient.

Kwantlen’s PR program provides students with the strategic thinking and technical expertise to successfully work in PR. For more information about the Kwantlen PR program, visit

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For more information about the Kwantlen's PR program, contact:
Terri Smolar
Program Coordinator, Public Relations
Tel: 604.599.2625


For more information about Kwantlen, contact:
Peter Chevrier
Director, Marketing and Communications
Tel: 604.599.2286