Kwantlen co-operative education broadens world view for business students

Tue, Nov 24, 2009


While on a co-op work term in China, Kwantlen business students Taryn Gordon (second from left)
and Janna Rudetsky (second from right) enjoyed a visit from David Atkinson, Kwantlen president
and vice chancellor (left), and Arthur Coren, dean of Kwantlen's School of Business (right).


For immediate release


November 25, 2009

Kwantlen co-operative education broadens world view for business students

(METRO VANCOUVER, B.C.) Kwantlen Polytechnic University business students Taryn Gordon and Janna Rudetsky gained valuable international experience and broadened their global perspective after completing a co-operative (co-op) education work term at Fuyang No. 2 High School in China.

Reflecting on her work term in China, Vancouver resident Gordon found her experience inspiring. "This unique work placement provided an opportunity to mentor high school students in China about the preparation and skills required to be successful in university business degree programs. As the first student ambassador of this partnership, co-op enabled me to demonstrate the leadership qualities I learned in my business classes," commented the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Entrepreneurial Leadership student.

Langley resident and BBA in Accounting student Rudetsky believed her co-op experience gave her a deep understanding and appreciation of the world. "International co-op gave me an opportunity to experience a different culture, which exposed me to new ideas and helped me gain an international work experience," remarked Rudetsky.

During their work term in China, Gordon and Rudetsky worked as Kwantlen student ambassadors and teacher assistants at Fuyang No.2 High School. They utilized their strong communications and leadership skills as they completed tasks such as developing newsletters, preparing research reports, facilitating classroom discussions, leading tutoring sessions, grading assignments and exams, and designing and implementing a weekly elective course.

"This is the type of experience which gives co-op students an opportunity of a lifetime. They have the opportunity to explore how their education is viewed in another country and to share their experience with students in that country," said Bevin Heath-Ansley, director of co-op education and career services. "Kwantlen was fortunate to have two excellent student ambassadors from our School of Business this term."

"This is an excellent example of the kinds of international opportunities that Kwantlen is able to make available to its students," said Sandra Schinnerl, director of international programs & exchange. "Taryn and Janna were wonderful ambassadors and there are plans to increase the number of placements available to our students in the future because the benefits of these international work and study experiences are so great."

Both students felt Kwantlen's co-op program gave them tremendous experience and work opportunities that will pave the way to a successful career in business.

Kwantlen Polytechnic University's Co-operative Education program (co-op) integrates periods of on-campus study with periods of paid, career-related work experience. It provides students with the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to on-the-job experiences. For more information about Co-op at Kwantlen, visit:

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For more information about this story, contact:

Sandra Schinnerl
Director, International Programs & Partnerships
Tel: 604.599.2496


Bevin Heath-Ansley
Director, Co-op Education and Career Services
Tel: 604.599.2013


For more information about Kwantlen, contact:
Peter Chevrier
Director, Marketing & Communications
Tel: 604-599-2286