Kwantlen hosts table tennis tournament to strengthen community ties

Tue, Feb 16, 2010


2010 Metro Vancouver Invitational Table Tennis Tournament
(From left to right) Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie poses with Kwantlen faculty
members Peter Tan and Xing Liu, and School of Business dean Arthur Coren
at the 2010 Metro Vancouver Invitational Table Tennis Tournament.


For immediate release

February 17, 2010

Kwantlen hosts table tennis tournament to strengthen community ties

(METRO VANCOUVER, B.C.) Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s School of Business and College of Qualifying Studies co-hosted the 2010 Metro Vancouver Invitational Table Tennis Tournament at its Richmond Campus where over 250 spectators cheered on as students, faculty and members of the Chinese community competed for the first place trophy.

“The table tennis tournament was a great opportunity to get our students and faculty actively involved in a community/sporting event,” commented Arthur Coren, event organizer and dean of Kwantlen’s School of Business. “Furthermore, with guests from prominent community members like the Chinese Consulate, the Richmond Mayor and local MLA, it raised Kwantlen’s profile and strengthened our ties with the Chinese community as it welcomed many community members and visitors to Kwantlen’s Richmond Campus.”

A total of 18 teams participated in the tournament, competing in the competitive and recreational categories. Kwantlen fielded three teams composed of faculty, staff, and students from business, qualifying studies, international education, modern languages and arts. In the recreational category, one of the two teams from Kwantlen was able to advance to the quarterfinals while Kwantlen’s Xing Liu and Peter Pan teamed up to play in the competitive category and took home the third place trophy.

Kwantlen Polytechnic University brings with it a tradition of providing access pathways for students with different talents and abilities, and opportunities for all who are willing to work hard to realize their goals. Key to Kwantlen’s new mandate is an enhanced capacity to integrate research and external community engagement within a learning environment that places students at the centre of all that the university does.

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For more information about this event, contact:
Xing Liu
Faculty, School of Business
Tel: 604.599.3039


For more information about Kwantlen, contact:
Peter Chevrier
Director, Marketing and Communications
Tel: 604.599.2286