From the Boardroom to the Production Line: Kwantlen students to host innovative Tour to highlight Surrey Industry

Mon, Apr 26, 2010



For immediate release

April 27, 2010

From the Boardroom to the Production Line: Kwantlen students to host innovative Tour to highlight Surrey Industry

(METRO VANCOUVER, B.C.) Two Kwantlen Polytechnic University students from Surrey will be hosting the city’s first official, “Tour of Industry” on April 30th, 2010 in conjunction with the Surrey Board of Trade. This innovative event aims to showcase the city of Surrey as ‘the place to be’ for up-and-coming businesses, highlight the city as a leader in local industry and encourage dialogue between the public and private sector.

Denny Hollick (22) and Kassandra Linklater (22) will play host to approximately 70 community, government and business leaders, where they will showcase three Surrey companies on a half-day tour. The goal is to not only show what Surrey has to offer business, but to create dialogue in the community about how public officials can help improve the economic climate in the area.

Hollick and Linklater learned about the idea from former ambassador John Treleaven while working on economic trade missions abroad. Both were selected to represent B.C. on Global Vision's Junior Team Canada's 2009 international economic trade mission to Panama and Ecuador with the purpose to stimulate and promote trade amongst countries using the innovation and ingenuity of Canadian youth.

“Having represented our region abroad, we quickly became aware just how uniquely positioned Surrey is to be a major player not only in the region but in the global market place,” said Linklater. “We wanted use the opportunity to come back and make a difference in our community.”

The first location, Fraser Surrey Docks LP, is the largest facility of its kind on the North American west coast. During the tour of Fraser Surrey Docks, participants will learn about the global trade opportunities that exist within Surrey and see first-hand the large projects already under way.

The second location, NAV Canada—a recently privatized company, is one of Surrey’s largest employers and controls the majority of air traffic in British Columbia. The company uses some of the most high tech equipment in the industry, and has done very well since privatization.

At the final location, participants will get to taste what Surrey business has to offer at Russell Brewing, now the official supplier of beer to BC Place events and according to Business in Vancouver—has placed sixth in its annual top 100 fastest growing companies.

The Tour will conclude at Kwantlen Polytechnic University's vibrant Trades and Technology campus in Cloverdale with a keynote speaker, luncheon and beer tasting provided by Russell Brewery.

“Many people are unaware that Surrey is already host to many large international businesses, and it’s just a matter of time before it is recognized as an exceptional place to do business around the world,” said Hollick. “Hopefully our tour helps to create that level of awareness in the community.”

The event has received support from both the business community and government officials.

“This tour of Surrey’s industries will an exceptional display of our city’s vibrant business community,” said Surrey – Tynehead MLA Dave S. Hayer. “These industries play an extremely important and vital role in creating jobs and employment opportunities that drive the economy forward in Surrey and throughout British Columbia.”

Russell Brewery has also expressed their excitement for the tour, “we are proud to be part of the Surrey business community and pleased to have this opportunity to showcase our brewery during this tour,” said Angie Harris, Director of Marketing for Russell Brewing.

Companies were selected based on innovative, growth opportunity, and to be ambassador for Surrey’s vital economy.


For more information on this event, contact:
Kassandra Linklater
Tel: 604.218.4480


For more information about Kwantlen, contact:
Audrey Wang
Manager, Communications
Tel: 604-599-2385