Kwantlen Farmers Market secures second major funding support

Tue, May 11, 2010



For immediate release

May 12, 2010

Kwantlen Farmers Market secures second major funding support

(METRO VANCOUVER, B.C.) The Langley Community Farmers Market that takes place at the Kwantlen Polytechnic University Langley campus has been awarded a $10,000 Community Project Grant from Vancity. The funding will be used to help fund a part-time marketing manager.

“It is fantastic that the Langley Farmers Market has been given further support by a leading community financial institution," said Gary Jones, president of the Market Society and Kwantlen horticulture instructor. "The award will help fund a marketing manager position, enabling the Market to better serve customers and vendors who see real value in a local venue for high quality ‘make it, bake it or grow it’ goods. In addition, revenues from market sales will be reinvested in the farmers, crafters and bakers of the local Langley community. This is a win-win for the Market, vendors, customers and Kwantlen.”

Langley Community Farmers Market Society (LCFMS) is a non-profit organization that organizes the Farmers Market operating on the Kwantlen Langley campus. It contributes to the economic viability of local farms and businesses, allows producers and customers to interact, and provides public education about food security and availability.

The market opens for the 2010 season on Wednesday, May 26 at 3:00 pm. For more information, visit:

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For more information about Kwantlen Farmers Market, contact:
Gary Jones
President, Market Society
Tel: 604.599.3311


For more information about Kwantlen, contact:
Audrey Wang
Manager, Communications
Tel: 604.599.2385