Kwantlen Announces Winners in "It's my Kwantlen" Show Your KPU Spirit Student Photo Contest

Wed, Jun 2, 2010


Show your KPU spirit!

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For immediate release

June 3, 2010

Kwantlen Announces Winners in "It's my Kwantlen" Show Your KPU Spirit
Student Photo Contest

Kwantlen Polytechnic University is pleased to announce the winners of the “It’s My Kwantlen” Show your KPU Spirit Student Photo Contest!

The five winners are:

  • "School Swagger" by Michela Fiorido – Grand Prize Winner ($3,000 in Kwantlen Kash)
  • "I Tried Everything" by Zizo Almohammadi – 2nd Prize Winner ($1,500 in Kwantlen Kash)
  • "Sky's the Limit" by Konstantin Rabinovich – 3rd Prize Winner ($1,000 in Kwantlen Kash)
  • "Can Any New University" by Michela Fiorido – Honourable Mention ($500 in Kwantlen Kash)
  • "The Road to Success" Stacey Mosoph – Honourable Mention ($500 in Kwantlen Kash)

The judges chose these photos because they embodied Kwantlen spirit and pride, and expressed something special and positive about the school, its people, and their own experiences here.

We would also like to thank all the other participants for submitting their photos and participating so enthusiastically in this contest!

To view the winning photos, see photo gallery below or visit

About the Judging Criteria:

Photo Contest Judges included: Ron Maggiore, Associate Vice-President, Strategic Enrolment Management; Jody Gordon, Associate Vice-President, Students; and Audrey Wang, Manager, Communications.


As stated in the contest’s official rules, winners were determined by the following:

  • How the photo and words captured the spirit of KPU, as outlined in the contest theme criteria
  • The number of votes each submission received

The top five submissions were to be decided by judging panel and number of votes.

However, it was brought to the judges’ attention that vote loading by a number of participants occurred; therefore, the judges made the determination that the number of votes would be a secondary consideration and that more weight would be placed on whether the photo met the contest theme and truly depicted Kwantlen spirit and pride.

If you have any questions, please contact Mary Jane Stenberg (Executive Director, External Relations) at

Again, congratulations to all our winners and thank you for your participation!

School Swagger"School Swagger"

Michela Fiorido
Grand Prize Winner

I Tried Everything"I Tried Everything"

Zizo Almohammadi
2nd Prize Winner

Sky's the Limit"Sky's the Limit"

Konstantin Rabinovich
3rd Prize Winner

Can Any New University"Can Any New University"

Michela Fiorido
Honourable Mention

The Road to Success"The Road to Success"

Stacey Mosoph
Honourable Mention